"Charlie, where are my papers?" Alpha shouted upstairs.

"I-I d-don't know?" A voice rang Alpha felt his eyebrows twitch in annoyance. It must of have been Charlie! The man was a fool even if he loved him to death. He himself would never would be so irresponsible. Was he lying to him?

He took a deep breath and looked at his watch. Time was ticking away. This was wasteful; he spent a good chunk of last night analyzing it anyway. He didn't need them.

"Did you f-find it?" He heard Charlie shout again.

"Yeah, don't worry about it hon! Have a wonderful day," Alpha went to straighten his tie and went to the front door to put on his best shoes. He froze as he picked them up. The sole was falling off one of them. "No way, I paid good money for these."

He grumbled as he picked up his other pair that was more worn.

A sort of feeling washed over Alpha that he couldn't describe as he walked out of the door.
As he drove to work, of course, traffic had to hit. As he listened to the radio, he learned that some idiot apparently got himself killed in an accident. How pitiful he thought as he rolled his eyes. He hoped that they went to hell.

As he drove up to his office space parking was nonexistent. He grumbled as he drove around waiting for anyone to pull out. Eventually, he gave up and parked in a far away parking lot of a gas station. He swore that he would work to apply for his workspace to build more spaces. He then walked into the building.

"Alpha, you are a little late, your client is waiting for you."

"I'm fashionably late, shush Susie."

As he walked in, the man in a nicely ironed suit was sitting there on his phone looking extremely annoyed. Alpha has heard stories about how difficult this man was, he before was on good terms with him but it seemed like wasting his precious time had soured his mood. Alpha could work with this. He related to a mindset like this.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith I am sorry for not being on point and being late," He bowed. "I had a bunch of unplanned inconveniences."

The man raised his eyebrows. "My name is not Smith Mr. Senpai."


"My apologies again, my mind hasn't been in the right place."

"Clearly. And how can I trust you to be in the right headspace when you are my lawyer. Do you even have my papers with you?"

"I do not need them. I promise you I burned everything about them in my memory."

"Have you? You did not even remember my name?"

"Well I-."

"Tell me about my case then?"

"I- well let me just sit down," Everything in his mind was going blank. Why was everything going wrong so fast.

As he went over to sit over at his desk he stumbled and the man had to reach and catch him to ground him. Alpha took a deep breath and mumbled a thank you before sitting down.

"Well you see-" he began.

"Mr. Senpai, I think I want to take my business elsewhere. I can see you are having an off day but you have to understand that case is too important to me. Maybe someday I will contact you as your law business grows. You are still a very young kid." The man then held out his hand.

"..." Alpha could only stare at it. His body was frozen. This was the one thing he could have never imagined happening. The man just raised an eyebrow again and pulled away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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