Chapter 1

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"Morning, Paul." I smiled at the security guard, sitting at the front desk in the Aquarrium i've been working at for about a year and a half now. "Hello, Angela. Your here early tonight." He questioned. "Well We're getting that new species in tonight, and their letting some of us in to see it and to deside who will work with it." I smiled. What ever was coming in tonight is suppost to be big, no one is suppost to say a word of it to anybody except to the people involved. "Okay, well good luck tonight." Paul went back to the magazine he was reading.

I walked in to the room we were going to be shown the new addition and looked around. The room was extremily dim, and the walls were glass with sea creature of all kinds swimming around. the only way in is through the door I came through, but there is a way out to the ocean from inside of the ocean area of the room, but the gate is always locked so nother can get out that way without a key. I stood there along the wall watching the fish swim, I love the ocean always have, as the other workers chosen slowly started to enter.

"Attention, Everyone! May I please have your attention!" Dr. Shattow Anounsed. "Now, Thank you all for coming! Tonight we will deside who will be best for working with this extrodinary creature!" He said with so much excitement that he looked like a little boy on Christmas morning. "So here is how we're going to do this: One by one , you each will get a turn, you will go up to the platform," he motioned to the platform at the top of the tank, "You will wait to see if he comes to the top or not, and we will see what happens from there, after you have tryed you must leave the area and go back to your usual job here. Okay now that thats taken care of only one person in addition to us will be in here at a time. So until you are called please wait in the room across the hall. Oh, and remember, not a word of this to anyone." He finished seriously.

"Kristen Jacobs." Dr. Shattow called out first, she walked up the platform while the rest of up walked out to go across the hall. Kristen was very....showy. She was one of those people who would wear the neon colors that barely covered anything, and hair died blonde so much that it looked white in the sun light. I looked back once more before I walked out of the room to see Kristen staring down into the water, and pushing up her breasts to look make them look bigger. 'Wow,' I thought, 'its a sea creature how sick, and desparate can she get!?'

Everybody was waiting, chatting over coffee. I was sitting in a corner reading one of my books. I wasn't really anti-social, I just didn't really know any of the other people that they chose. They were all on other floors than the one I worked on, they had been here longer than me and had more experence. People were slowly disappearing from the room, but I hardly noticed, my head was in the book. There were only about fifteen people were left including me.

"Emily Sproul."

Make that fourteen.

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