Married to a scoundrel.

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It seemed as if they had been passing through forest for miles Emily thought, as the party of soldiers meandered through the tall trees following their master's lead. Eventually they exited the woodland and ambled down a trodden pathway before approaching a cottage. Coming to a halt, Blaise dismounted from his horse and lifted Emily down as if she weighed no more than a feather. "Get your hands off me!" she shouted. "You have a fiery temper... I have heard that red haired women possess such a humour..." he stated staring at her auburn hair.

She stared at him in disgust before he continued "You had better change that temper quickly...I will not abide it!". "Let me go and you won't have to" she retorted. His expression darkened then and he pushed her ahead of him. They walked to the doorway of the small dwelling place and Blaise lifted his fist to pound on the door, causing it to shake under his force.

Not a sound came from within and Emily had begun to think the place was deserted before the door creaked open and an elderly priest peered out. "What is all this commotion about? Can't a man get some sleep!" he spoke angrily while rubbing his sleepy eyes. Noticing Blaise's presence he seemed to grow pale and stated "Sir Talbot, what can I do for you?". "Well Father Durville, I need you to perform a marriage". Father Durville nodded saying "I can do it in a weeks' time, just give me the names of the happy couple".

Blaise smiled wickedly then saying "Oh I'm afraid that won't work father, you see we are the happy couple as you call it... and I require you to marry us now!". The priest stared at him in shock "At this hour? You must be gone mad!" Staring at Emily he added "And who are you young lady?" Before she had a chance to reply Blaise held out a bag of coins saying "Perhaps this may change your mind. This is Lady Emily Ballord, that is all the information you require to marry please get on with it or I may decide to dispose of you and find another priest to do the job!"

Father Durville gasped in response "You cannot mean that!". "Do not doubt that I fully mean is the dead of night father...people can go missing very easily in the dead of night!" Blaise said smiling devilishly. Father Durville gulped "Come in" he whispered moving aside for them to enter. Blaise grabbed Emily's arm and shoved her inside. Bending his head down to her, he whispered "If you don't go through with this marriage you are a dead woman...I will personally see that you are". His tone was chilling and Emily felt herself shudder. She fully believed he would kill her. "Why are you doing this to me" she whispered. He stared at her then his expression cold. Finally he said "For revenge, and your land....the two things that all men seek to attain". She looked into his eyes saying "So that's why you abducted want to attain my deceased father's land. But on whom do you want revenge?" Ignoring her he shouted at Father Durville to proceed with the wedding.

Emily felt like she was having an out of body experience. It was as if she seemed to watch herself go through the vows of the marriage like a passer-by. "I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the...." Father Durville said before he paused and stared at Emily's vacant expression. "No need for that father" Blaise said before he grabbed Emily's arm and pushed her out into the night air once more. "You have my thanks father, Good night" he called back before he placed Emily on his horse and set off with his men in toe.

Rain started to fall as they rode through the night. Beginning to shiver she felt Blaise's arms tighten around her "We shall be out of this rain soon" he spoke and she nodded in response before the thought broke into her mind "Where is he taking me!". Surmounting the only bit of energy she had left she pushed back against him and jumped from the moving horse beneath her. Falling to the ground she tried to stand, but slipped in the mud beneath her. Finally getting to her feet she ran all but 10 feet before large hands pulled her backwards and she was forced against Blaise's muscular chest. "You stupid girl..." he growled. "Try to escape from me again and you will regret it...your mine now...remember that!" he said in a low tone. Emily's heart was beating so fast she thought she might faint. Panting for breath she whispered "I am not yours!"

He flung her over his shoulder once more and deposited her on his horse. Taking the reins behind her he said "Don't underestimate me Emily... If you do not obey me I will make your life a living hell!" Emily went still then, her fear surmounting at his threatening words. "How do you know my uncle will not take the land from you? He is next in line to attain it" Blaise laughed then, the sound echoing in the darkness. "Your uncle has no army to speak of...and besides the land was left to you by your father, by law it is mine now through marriage...he cannot take it without encoring the king's wrath". Emily gasped "You really planned it all!".

Blaise smiled "Of course I did, I wasn't going to let the murdering b*sterd who killed my brother take the land adjoining mine!...This way I now own all the land around me for acres and I've swindled him out of something he wanted!" Emily sat in shock "The conniving brigand!" she thought before thinking of her uncle "Was it true that he had killed his brother? And that he wanted her land?" She had known that he had wanted her to marry his son, her first cousin "For her protection and to align their two houses" he had said. However now she wasn't so sure.

Her mind whirled and she could feel a headache beginning to build in her temple when Blaise announced "We're here". "Where?" she asked looking confused before she lifted her head and saw the battlements of huge castle before her. "Home" he replied in a disgruntled voice "now stop asking questions!" They rode over the drawbridge and into the bailey before Blaise lifted her from the horse. He then proceeded to walk toward the entrance of the main hall without looking back. She followed slowly behind him until she entered the vast expanse of the great hall and noted it was devoid of people. One long raised table stood at the top of the hall, clearly for those of importance, while other smaller tables stood on the floor below it.

Blaise walked to the top table and poured some ale into a tankard. Drinking it quickly he poured another before bellowing "Agnes where are you?". An elderly woman then bustled in "You are returned milord...and with company!" she spoke, staring at Emily in confusion. "Yes now find this one a change of clothes. I can't stand the sight of her!" he growled without looking in Emily's direction. Agnes looked at him oddly and bowed before moving toward Emily "Come my dear, what happened? you are covered in mud!" she said in a motherly tone of voice. Emily stared at her before looking over at Blaise and saying "Ask him!".

Agnes regarded Blaise's scowling face and shrugged "Come now let's get you cleaned up". They then moved toward the adjoining corridor. However, just as they reached the door Blaise spoke "Don't take too long, I expect you to come back here to serve me my food. You may as well do something useful...and you will obey me if you expect to eat" Throwing him her best glare she, she departed quickly, anger now building inside her.

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