Quantum Baby

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Tony, Bruce, Scott and Clint were currently messing around with the quantum tunnel still located in Luis van. They were talking all things science, with each other. Clint just observed, being confused on the most part. They wanted to test the theory of being able to travel through time, without the risks of turning into a baby or elderly person. Unfortunately for Scott, he was the lab rat for most of the day.

Scott eventually got tired of ageing constantly and decided to call it a day. "Guys I don't think I can do this no longer, I might puke. Maybe baby me already puked, that would explain the smell." The others grimaced at the comment and agreed to finish for the day.

As they were all packing up, Peter sprung in the room. The teen was full of life as usual and practically skipped right up to Tony. "Mr Stark? Would it be ok for Ned to come over? I want to give him a tour of the compound, he hasn't seen it yet and I just know he would freak out!".

Tony glanced at the teen, "Uh, sure thing kid. I got some business in the lab now, so can't do any sightseeing with you. I'd love to be your personal tour guide, but duty calls."

"Wow! Thanks Mr Stark! I'll tell him now, you're the best!", Peter's eyes lit up with excitement.

Tony smiled slightly, "Do what ever you want kid, have fun. I'll see you at dinner". With that, Tony walked away with the others.


It didn't take long for Ned to arrive, Peter was already waiting outside for his friend. "Ned!", Peter shouted whilst opening the car door for his friend. They did their signature handshake and Peter looked at the unamused Happy, that was currently staring at them. "Thanks for bringing him here Happy", Peter said.

"Yeh thank you!", Ned added.

"Yeh whatever kid, don't bother me again for at least four hours." Happy replied, walking away from the teens.

"I have so much to show you! I have a room literally designated for my suits! How cool is that!", Peter directed towards Ned as they both began walking towards the compound.

"That's awesome man!", Ned responded.

Peter showed Ned around and the compound was so big, he was convinced it would take most of the day. An hour passed and the two had already seen the gym, training room, bedrooms and briefly the kitchen, when they wanted a snack. They began walking past the science section of the building and Peter couldn't help but notice, the van Tony and the others were by earlier. He grabbed Ned's arm and gestured towards the contraption, "This is a quantum tunnel, i'm pretty sure it's basically time travel".

"Thats the coolest sentence I've ever heard in my life!", Ned stated. His eyes were glistening with amazement and curiosity.

Peter thought for a second, "You know, Mr Stark said we could do what ever we wanted...How about we try it out?".

Ned gasped slightly, "Really! That would be so cool man!"

Peter matched his energy, "I know right! Let me get it set up, I watched Bruce do it one time and it didn't seem too difficult. I need to get the special suit on and need you to stay by the control panel. Can you do that?"

Ned nodded his head several times, "Of course dude!".

10 minutes later, Peter was kitted up and ready to go. "Now you know what to press right? I don't particularly wanna get stuck in time or anything."

"Yeh I got this! Guy in the chair remember!", Ned said excitedly.

Peter stood by the van and heard the machine start up, "Ok count down from three!".

Ned nodded and began the countdown, "Three,  Two, One!". He pressed the button and Peter disappeared into the machine. He waited a couple of seconds before pressing it again. Ned waited for Peter to return and began to panic when he didn't. He frantically began pressing all sorts of buttons, "Come on... come on!".

The machine whirled a bit and with a blink of an eye, Peter was back. Well sort of...

Ned glanced down to see a baby crawling on the floor, no older than 8 months. "Oh shit", Ned admitted. "Peter?", the teen called.

the thing that scared Ned most, was the fact the baby turned to look at him after he said the name. There was a familiarity in the child's features, he had the same big brown eyes as Peter and Ned knew instantly it was him. He began freaking out and approached Peter, not bothering to touch anymore buttons on the machine. He leant down and picked up the baby, holding him firmly so he wouldn't get dropped. "Ok, don't panic. This will get sorted. Find Tony, he will fix it."

Ned began running around the compound looking for the billionaire, he noticed music blasting from a nearby door and decided to check it out. Baby Peter, didn't seem to be a fan of the loud music and began to sniffle. Ned bounced Peter slightly to avoid him having a meltdown. He used his free hand to knock on the door and Tony shouted for him to enter, before the music went quiet. Ned opened the door and approached Tony, "thank god you are here!".

Tony didn't bother turning around, "Why are you In my lab Ted?".

"It's Ned", the teen corrected. "Anyway, I made a mistake and I don't know what to do! Look!".

Tony sighed and turned around, his eyebrows furrowed slightly at the sight of the baby. "I didn't know you had a kid? Little young aren't you".

"He isn't mine! It's Pe-", Ned said before getting interrupted.

"Look this isn't a safe place for babies, you should take him home.", Tony directed.

"No you don't understand! It's Peter!", Ned shouted.

Tony stared in total disbelief, "Very funny, you can come out now Peter!". The man believed, this was all a practical joke.

"I'm being deadly serious!", Ned added.

Tony got up from his chair and looked at the baby in Ned arms, Baby Peter decided to reach out and grab Tony's shirt. A small giggle escaped from the child's mouth and Tonys eyes widened. "Oh...", he stepped away from Peter and Ned and pinched the bridge of his nose slightly. "You have got to be kidding me." The billionaire then pulled out his phone and rang Bruce.

"Hello?", Bruce said.

"Um, we have problem." Tony said, staring at baby Peter.

"What sort of problem?", Bruce responded.

"A baby problem...", Tony replied.

"Not Scott again!", Bruce stated.

"Uh no.... Peter decided to go all goo goo ga ga on us", Tony informed.

"Great.... I'm on my way", Bruce said.

Tony turned to Ned, "When I said you guys could do anything, I didn't mean travel through time using a highly advanced quantum machine."

Peter let out an adorable laugh at the comment, which was perfectly timed as the he probably didn't have a clue what they were on about. Being 8 months old and all.

"Would now be a bad time to ask if you have a diaper?", Ned asked.

Tony just sighed, "Oh for gods sake".

A/N- Hope you enjoyed this short little one shot, first one for this book! Hi to everyone reading this! See you in the next one! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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