Overcoming your nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, Ishness is always here for those that need it! I mean it's awesome, and totally safe."

Munk spoke up, giving her a grin as well, his glittering eyes sincere as he tried to chase the feelings of terror and panic away from the petite girl. She nodded, knowing that was why she had landed there in her most vulnerable moment. She hadn't been to Ishness in a while, though she thought of her friends within it's borders often with fondness and love. But one call and she had been blasted back into her darkest moments and retreated to where she felt safest, most loved. As they entered a home, Zyggy led her to a couch, gently sitting her down. As soon as she sat down she wanted to get back up, to move, to fidget, but she didn't want to cause any more anxiety than she already had, so she settled for letting her leg bounce out a fast, agitated rhythm, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

"Not that we aren't happy you're here, cus we are! But...What brought you back so scared?"

Glassy, turbulent eyes meant white orbed, as teeth worried at the scarred bottom lip for a moment.

"You don't have to say if you don't want to, it's cool."

"No...No I have to...I want to. You where there the first time I wandered into Ishness. I was broken and felt so alone, but you guys gave me a sense of family. Of safety. You helped me heal in more ways than one."

Her smile flashed, genuine and bright for just a moment, showing the child they remembered all those years ago. Matching smiles met hers and for a brief moment, she felt warmth surround her, shelter her, and chase the feeling of being alone in the darkness back. The sounds of branches scratching the windows outside, drew her back to the present, her fear hitting her like a brick to the chest, as she sucked in a shaky breath, her body shuttering.

"I was fine. I have my own place you know. Good job, the cutest kitty you'd ever seen. I was happy, content even, to just be myself. I was doing good....But....But..."

Her voice cracked, broke, and tears slid down her cheeks. Her shoulders rounded inwards as her arms circled around her torso, making her as small as possible. She heard a growl and the couch next to her dipped as Zyggy got up, but her gaze was lost looking out the window across from her, watching the trees dance in the wind as fog began rolling in.

"She found me...She found me. Showed up at my door. Like it was okay. Like she hadn't..."

A shudder wracked her frame, teeth chattering as her face paled. Memories flashed in her gaze in rapid succession as feelings assaulted her. Like bullets ripping through her chest, she was reliving her childhood nightmare all over again, her breathing ragged. How long she sat there shaking, unaware of what was happening around her, she wasn't sure, but the sound of a door opening and chains clinking entered her peripheral attention.

"I haven't felt this level of fear in....ah."

Her breathing felt uneven, sawing out of her lungs, burning with every inhale, ripping from her with every exhale as her hands curled around her arms, her grip bruising as she white knuckled it to keep herself from bolting once more. She felt more than saw others coming to stand near her, before masked face appeared in her line of sight, mismatched eyes catching her gaze. His head tilted to the side as he watched her struggle within her own mind while he held her gaze, before his gaze seemed to bring her to the present.

"They cannot hurt you here."

Her ocean eyes flickered between his for what felt like an eternity, but was only a few moments before she nodded slowly. Feeling nothing but safety and acceptance flooding around her, she slowly let her hands release her arms, her fingers cramped and achy from holding on so tight. The feeling of her heart beat in her skin let her know there would be bruises later. Slowly, her gaze panned around the room, taking in Munk, DZ/ Zyggy, Karsh, and Demeter, who must have come in with Karsh and DZ. Familiar faces she hadn't seen in so long, but still felt like family to her. She didn't feel alone in this room among them, instead she felt like she would never be alone or scared while they were with her.

"Can I stay here? I don't wanna go home...I don't want to be alone again."

Her voice whispered, hopeful that she could stay this time. She could see it on their faces though, she wasn't meant to stay. Lowering her lashes, she nodded.

"Come on kid, let's go give her something to be scared of. Show her what family really is."

The growl that came from DZ had her looking up at him. Though she was used to see Zyggy's sweet face, seeing the fierce grin on his face, fangs flashing, she knew he would protect her, that they all would, from the one person she saw as the true monster in her nightmares. Gentle hands helped her stand and the group made their way out of the home, intent on showing her that she was indeed, never alone, especially when she needed them most. While many would see the gathering around her as terrifying, she saw them as family, something she hadn't had in a long time, and was happy to have found in the Land of Ishness. This...This was why her heart had led her here. Family. Belonging. Acceptance. Never again would she feel fear that she was alone in the darkness.

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