
64 5 8
  • Dedicado a Tamera

Me. What a simple yet confusing word. This two letter word is most commonly used to address oneself. To integrate oneself into a conversation. When people use this word they use it for no other reason than to be able to talk and hear the sound of their own voices. That is why I hate this word. The human race has ruined it. We have stripped away the amount of confidence that it takes for a person to get to a stage in their life were they are able to talk about them self's. I admire that in a person. But no. This word is now being used for selfish disgusting reasons. This word should be used to talk and describe one's feelings, one's likes one's dislikes, one's hair colour. The name of their dog. The name of their second cousin twice removed on their step brothers uncles side. This is what the word should be used for. This word should not be used in a lazy manner, but in a confident way that says "This is who I am, and I don't give a shit about what you think."

Please comment. This is my first story and I would lve some feedback! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :)

MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora