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The dark was enveloping everything, she desperately tried to light the fire.

Please. Please

Her tiny hands struck the match time and time again. Each drawing no success, she had almost given up when a spark flared. Her hope rekindled albeit still sniffled, something she had learned. Always leave room for disappointment.

She inhalled deeply and, once more she struck the match. A flame lit. Carefully, so as not to extinguish her only hope, she brought the rags and twigs she'd tied together before the dark had come. She was trepidatial at first, what if it didn't actually light? For a heart stopping second she thought it wouldn't work, she'd be left in the dark, trapped, alone, scared abandoned.....

It lit, enveloping the surrounding in a soft glow. She smiled, she wasn't going to have to fight the demons tonight.

The light illuminated the haggard state she was in. Tattered clothes concealed a thin, malnutritioned body. Tear stains ran the length of her face.

Her curious eyes looked around, taking in her surroundings, the little cave had become her little sanctuary, her safe haven. The cave in it's self was nothing special, to anyone else at least. An ordinary cave, in the middle of nowhere.

One night she'd been out, stumbling in the dark, scared to go back, but she'd still gone back. No matter how much it pained her, she always went back. But it had been on that night that she'd stumbled upon the cave. Fear was the first instinct, the screeching of the bats had offered no help, almost jumping out of her skin at the sudden unwelcome intrusion of the silence. She'd long gotten used to them by now.

The silence had seemed eery, suffocating. Water slowly dripped from somewhere up above, later on she found out the water somehow seeped into the little carvern,from where she was yet to discover. The wind would blow sometimes, sounding like a whistle in the dead of the night.

With time, she'd come to associate these things with a certain tranquility. The soft trickling of water was like the bubbling of a spring, if it did sound like that. (Does it though, I really don't know😅. But I do wonder sometimes... Anyways ...). The whistling wind was like a father's whistle while working,a pleasant welcome sound.

And, just like that she had a place to call "home". The thought brought a smile to her face. A place far away from prying eyes, from anyone who wanted to hurt her. Her smile fell, it wouldn't last forever. She'd have to go back, in less than a few hours. Tears brimmed in her eyes, her little hands shot up to wipe them, force of habit, when she remembered what was in her hands. She stopped herself in the nick of time. It wouldn't do to show up with burn marks lest she get more than just a few scalds.

I'd better be off then

With that she stood and walked out. With no glaces back she took off in the general direction of her misery. A few meters away she realized something was off. Parked across the strech if the house were more than a couple of vehicles. She dropped the make shift torch, after ensuring it was extinguished, and ran the remaining distance. By the time she arrived, her chestnut brown hair was stuck to her forehead mingling with her sweat, she was out of breath and far too late.

Authors note.

So, um, hello..... Don't mind me just putting this here 😃. If anyone's going to read this that is..... Anyways if you see any mistakes I'm happy to ammend them. And, yeah, um, thanks I guess?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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