Chapter 2

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Later that morning, Rosemary decided to go walking in the woods to clear her head. She doesn't understand why her dad is so afraid for her, she knows better than most teenage girls that the world is a dangerous place, but that doesn't stop her from being a naive kid at times.

She was pulled out of her thought when a family of hedgehogs began crossing the path in front of her. She knelt down to get a better look at them.

This is one of the best parts of growing up in rural Romania, the local flora and fauna is spectacular. Though engineering is her passion, nature is a close second.

The next thing Rose knew, she was startled by the sound of footsteps coming down the same path, she looked up to see a boy, about her age, who she recognized as the butcher's son from the village, though she had never properly met him.

"Oh! You startled me." said Rose.

"My apologies, I just saw you and thought I'd say hi. My name is Dorin Aldea. I've seen you, when your family comes to my father's meat stand." He said.

"I've seen you, too, we just never really talked because you were working, I'm Rosemary.. Rosemary Heisenberg."

"Pretty, like the plant. May I ask what it's like living at House Heisenberg?"

"It's actually great, sometimes I forget why people are so afraid of my step-father."

"Well, he does have a long history in this region. Has he told you much of it?"

"A little, he even told me what he remembers of being human.. but I probably shouldn't share his business. He trusted me and dad with that."

"Oh, I understand. Would you like to walk back to the village with me? I can show you around my family's farm?"

"Okay, I just have to be home before dark."

So they walked down the dirt path in silence, until they reached one of the local farms, with a simple barn, chicken coop, and cabin.

Rose enjoyed meeting the various farm animals, especially the horses, then Dorin invited her in the cabin for some tea.

As he was preparing the water and tea leaves, he began talking about his family.

"My father is at his stand today, but he gave me the day off.. My mother passed when I was a boy,"

"I'm sorry to hear that, I lost my mother, too, when I was born."

"Yes, but at least she wasn't killed by a lycan, sent by that monster Heisenberg."

Rosemary is stunned, she can't think for a moment, why would Dorin tell her this out of nowhere?

"I'm sorry Dorin, but I know my papa wouldn't do that."

"THAT WRETCHED CREATURE ISN'T ANYONE'S PAPA!" Dorin lashed out, throwing a cup that narrowly missed Rose' head and smashed against the wall behind her.

Rose ran for the door, but noticed Dorin had locked it when they came in, she didn't look back to see if he was coming after her while she ran into one of the bedrooms and slammed the door, thanking any god who was listening that it had an iron lock.

She stepped back from the door as Dorin screamed and tried to beat it down, she ran to the window and tried to open it, but it was locked with a padlock, as if Dorin was somewhat prepared to trap someone.

Now more than ever, Rosemary wished she had a phone, but they didn't work out here in the sticks, she wished she had any way to contact her daddy and papa.

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