42 0 0

Gates open 

X: Walks in Wh... What is this place? 

?: Hello~ 

X: AH! Who's there? 

?: Oops! Did I scare you? I'm sorry.

 X: Who are you? 

?: My name is RiCO. A Guide & Navigator to this game. 

X: What game? 

RiCO: Introducing... Show the title Rockman X Dive! 

X: Rockman... X Dive?

 RiCO: Nod That's right. Welcome to Deep Log, X. 

X: Deep Log? Wait, How do you know my name? 

RiCO: Well... 

A few minutes later 

RiCO: And that is that.X: I see... So, is Zero here too? 

RiCO: Actually, you're Player-san's 1st Playable character. Zero & the others will be recruited by Players including your Player-san. 

X: Player? 

RiCO pointed up 

X: Huh? Is that... a human? 

RiCO: Yup! There are some humans playing this game. And, you're one of this Player's playable.X: I see. Well um... It's nice to meet you, Player. 

Player types 'Thank You' 

RiCO: Ooh... I think Player-san likes you, X. 

End of X's origin 

RiCO: Happy Anniversary to Rockman X Dive! 

Everyone celebrate 

Rockman: So, X. How does it feel? 

X: I feel great. I mean, I felt surprised that you, Roll & Blues (Protoman) are my "Older" sibling. Copy X is a clone version of me. And Harpuia, Leviathan, Fernir & Phantom are my children. I hate to say it but this is a best anniversary of this game ever. 

RiCO: Glad to hear you say it, 

every characters in Rockman x DiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora