I walked away without saying anything and I walked into the cafeteria. I noticed Jake sitting alone in the back of the room so I grabbed my lunch and walked over to him.

"Hey Jake! I am really sorry about what my sister did in class today. It was not okay. If you need anyone to talk to I'm always here!" I tried to express my emotions without saying too much.
"Thanks Lia. That means a lot to me to hear you say that." He sounded upset. Before I could reaping a voice appeared.
"Mind if I sit here?" Jake became flustered. It was Devon.
"Yes Devon go right ahead." I told Devon he could sit as Jake gathered himself.
"Hey Devon! You've never sat with me is everything okay?" Jake had calmed down and was very curious.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come watch me in the talent show?" Jakes face froze, he froze.
"Of course he'll be there! We are going together. If I have to watch my sister he's coming with me." Devon and I both laughed and Jake finally began moving again.
"Yeah! Devon that sounds cool see you there!" Jake finally spoke.
"Coolio!" Devon stood up and walked away.

The rest of the day was quite boring. I didn't have any other classes with Jake, Devon, or Junior so I was all alone. Once the finally bell rang I walked to Jake's final class to meet him. Before I reached the door I bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I looked up expecting someone I didn't know.
"Oh no Lia! It's fine. Honestly I was just on my way to find Lexy." Junior helped me up.
"Thank you! My sister? She already left." I was very confused.
"Okay." He seemed upset.
"Did something happen? Junior you can always talk to me!" His face grew worrisome.
"Yeah Lexy and I got into a fight because I told her I li-" A voice interrupted him.
"Hey Lia ready to go?" Jake walked out of his classroom.
"Yeah just wait for me outside!" I needed to talk to Junior.
"Okay! Don't take too long." He smiled.
"Anyway Junior what were you saying?" He looked back at me.
"Oh nothing I'll catch you later?" He looked behind him.
"Yep! See you at the talent show." I walked towards the door.
"Lia wait!" Junior grabbed my shoulder.
"What?" He looked nervous.
"Lexy and I got into a fight because I told her I liked someone else." He spoke fast.
"Junior, do you like Lexy?" I asked in a serious tone.
"Yeah...I mean I think. I don't know. I like her as a friend yeah but I don't know how to break it off." He looked down to the floor.
"I mean she won't be hurt." I knew I had messed up once I said that.
"What does that mean?" Junior jumped.
"Junior I shouldn't be the one telling you this." He looked at the floor again.
"Please Lia! I need to know." He looked back up at me.
"A few days ago I caught Lexy and Oliver together. They were kissing. I didn't want to hurt you so I didn't tell you. I am so sorry Junior I should have told you before!" It was good to finally have that off my chest.
"Wow. That's a lot of information. Lia I have to go. I'll see you at the talent show." He was trying his hardest to look me in the eye.
"I understand. Text me if you need anything." I walked out the door.

I walked towards Jake.

"Hey! Sorry it took me a while I was talking to Junior!" I stood next to Jake.
"It's all good!" He smiled and we started walking.
"So how was your day Jake?" The fog has cleared up.
"It was okay! How was yours Lia?" He smiled.
"It was good J!" I smiled.
"J?" He looked at me with curious eyes.
"Yeah! It's my new nickname for you? Do you not like it?" I looked at the Jake. His smile grew larger.
"No no I love it! Lee! Oh I'm sorry you probably don't like that." His smile faded.
"J it's cool I actually really like it. Lee? That's cool! Anyway." I noticed we were at Jake's house.
"Bye Lia! I'll see you at the talent show." He wakes towards his front door.
"Jake wait!" I grabbed his shoulder.
"What?" He was concerned.
"Thank you." I looked at him.
"For what." He was very confused.
"For being my friend. I know it may seem like I have a lot of friends but none that I can actually be myself around." I fought back tears.
"Lia thank you. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have any friends Lee!" He smiled again.
"Okay. Bye Jake! I'll see you tomorrow." He walked back to his door.
"Adios Lia!" I walked down the street.

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