
Start from the beginning

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While everyone else was out having fun, Darianka sat in her room and moped. She just couldn't believe he would do something so stupid. She also couldn't  believe she was sitting on her bedroom floor moping over a guy. Especially a guy like Pacey. 

Now, Pacey was a good guy. He just had a lot of 'Lady Friends'. And he wasn't the only one. All the guys she knew were like that. All the guys except for Dawson. Which well Dawson had his own reasoning for that... She's a cheerleader so a lot people hit on her. And ask her out. Out of all of those guys, she wanted Pacey. Pacey Witter. The funny, blue eyed brunette, who has been there for her since the day they met. Which was a little over 10 years ago.

Breaking her out of her thoughts, she looked towards the sound of a knock at her bedroom door. "Come in." she called in, to see Pacey Witter walk in. She huffed and rolled her eyes, "What do you want, Pacey ?" 

He took a seat next to her, resting his head against her bed. "I want you to talk to me." She sighed as water glossed over her eyes, "You know, Warren Goering asked me out the other day. And I told him no just so I could hang out with you. And he's not the first guy I've done that to." She paused "Darianka, what are you saying right now?" He said making her grown in frustration. "God, Pacey!-" "Look, whatever you have to say, just say it." "I like you, Pacey!" She raised her voice. "I like more than 'like' you, Pacey." 

Neither one of them said anything after that. Once their eyes met, Pacey leaned in and he kissed her. And she let him. 

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It's been a few days since Pacey and Darianka last spoken to each other. He was avoiding  her as she was him. Little did they both know, they both were feeling the same emotions. They were both confused

School was about to end so before last period Darianka decided to get over herself and find Pacey.  When she found him, he was at his locker. She took a breath before approaching him. "Hey."  She greeted. "Hey." he said before looking past her watching Tamara. "So, uh, can we talk later? I'll pick you up after work ?" She asked hopeful. "Yeah, sure." She could tell he wasn't really listening to her. She then trailed his eyeline, to see he watching Tamara Jacobs. She scoffed and said "Goodbye Pacey." 

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When school was over Darianka kept herself busy by getting her nails done as she waited for Pacey's shift to be over. As she walked into the store 'Screen Play Video' to see and hear Dawson and Pacey arguing. "Hey guys, watch arguing about ?" She asked as she hopped up on the counter.   "Why don't you teller Pacey?" Dawson offered. "Well, Darianka, darling," He stressed. "Are you a virgin?" He said curious to know the answer. "Yes. No. I guess you'll never know." She teased. "Regardless, Dawson asked me if it brothers me knowing that the woman that I'm interested in has been with other guys before me. And I told him that it didn't..." Pacey continued to tell her about the argument. "Can I just say...Your both right and wrong." She then turned to Dawson. "Sorry, your bubble of romance Dawson. But women are sexual beings too. We're human. Just like you."  Darianka said before turning back to Pacey. "And you and I need to have a talk." She said hopping off the counter. "Okay, I'll just be in the back. I'll talk to you later, Darianka." Dawson said walking to the back room. 

"You seem happier than the last time I seen you." Pacey observed. "Well, I always feel better after I get my nails done." She said before asking the magic question. "What's going, Pacey ? What's happening between us?"

"I don't know, Darianka." He sighed. "I gave you a choice. And-" She scoffed. "No, Darianka ! You gave me an ultimatum. Not a choice." He explained.

She scoffed once again, looking away for a second while her eyes turned glassy. "You know Pacey, you were talking about girls giving guys an 'in', well that was yours." She then continued "I did give you a choice. I didn't say you'll loose me forever." She finished before turning around to leave the store. 

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She was just so angry at Pacey. Her argument with Pacey, got her thinking. Her head was full with 'what if's' and 'maybe's '. She wasn't thinking straight. And in her blind rage, for the first time she called someone other than Pacey. 

Before she knew it she was in bed with Warren Goering, losing her virginity. 


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𝘈/𝘕: 𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘥, 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦. 8 𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦.. And 2 comments !!!

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