Oh No

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~With Jose~

In the middle of the night, I was sleeping like a baby. Dreaming about my career so far and how I want it to be better, but a certain voice kinda woke me up.

?????: ホセ? (Jose?)

I looked up and I saw Riho sitting on my bed. I had to turn the light on to see what was wrong.

Me: Riho、あなたは夜遅くここで何をしていますか? (Riho, what are you doing here this late at night?)

Riho: 私はちょうど私の親友を訪問したいのですが (I just wanted to visit my best friend, you know?) *sniff*

Once I heard that sniff, I rubbed my eyes to see better, I saw she was in tears!

Riho just landed into my arms and just cried on my shoulder as I was so concerned. I don't know what happened but I had to ask.

Me: 何が起こったの? (What happened?)

She had a ton of tears streaming down her face and I was so outraged that I wanted to punch a wall.

Riho: あなたは怒らないことを約束しますか? (Do you promise to not get angry?)

Me: 私は試すことができますが、私は私がしないことを保証することはできません。 (I can try, but I can't guarantee that I won't.)

Riho was trying not to cry more, but she held her own and started to explain.

Riho: 私のプロモーター、彼は私と一緒に彼の道をしました、そして私はそれから抜け出すことを試みました、しかし彼は私を去らせないでしょう。 (My promoter, he had his way with me, and I tried to get out of it, but he wouldn't let me leave.) *sniff*

She took a deep breath and said what she wanted to say.

Riho: ジョセ、彼は私を強姦しました。 (Jose, he raped me.)

I was in shock and I let her fall into my arms and just let it all out.

This fucking son of a bitch had to sexually assault my friend and make her feel traumatized. I want to find him and teach him a lesson because if he was raping my friend, then he paid the price.

After a full minute, I let her look at me as I had to give her a tissue.

Me: ケニーはこれについて知っていますか? (Does Kenny know about this?)

Riho: 彼は彼が名誉の指輪を持つ世界の向こう側にいるからではなく、私は誰かに行く必要がありました。 私はあなたが私を聴くことを知っていたので私はあなたに行きたかったです。 (He doesn't because he's on the other side of the world with Ring of Honor and I needed someone to go to. Jose, I wanted to go to you because I knew you'd listen to me.)

Me: 私はいつもします。 これはどうですか。 大丈夫? (I always will. How about this, in the morning, we'll spend time together and if we can, we'll find him and make sure he pays. Alright?)

She smiled a bit but she managed to hug me again as I had to return it.

Riho: おいしかったです。 私が他のベッドで寝ても大丈夫です、ただ一人でいる必要はありませんか? (Thank you Jose. Is it okay if I sleep in the other bed, just so I don't have to be alone?)

Me: はい。 もちろん。 私はあなたのためにそのベッドを準備してください。 (Yes. Of course. Let me get that bed ready for you.)

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