11. pyromaniacs anonymous.

Start from the beginning

"Sexy people don't need to justify how sexy they are, they just exist in a sexy way." I love winding him up, it's so easy.

"You think I'm sexy," he accuses.

"I like that you like me, and I don't find you repulsive. That's all a girl needs, a man that is obsessed with her and she doesn't hate." I smile, enjoying the annoyed look painted across his face.

He opens his mouth to rebuke but gets cut off with a fast, hard knock. JJ and I exchange a worried look and sink down into the sofa like I did when he arrived. My heart speeds up a little, anxiety creeps in, and the dulled feeling the alcohol gave me is gone. "Frankie! JJ!" I can hear Pope yell at the door. My body relaxes a little.

Neither of us moves, Pope shouts our names again and smacks the door a few more times. Groaning I roll to face the window, using JJ's shoulder to hoist me up. I slide open the window. "What's up?" I ask. Pope looks stressed beyond belief, sweating bullets too. Did he just snort a line of coke? He's usually uptight, but this is a new level.

"Is JJ here?" He asks.

"Unfortunately he is," I look down at the blond, he walks over to the door and opens it, and I collapse back on the sofa. Pope looks at me, I gesture for him to come in.

"They know," Pope tells JJ simply, whatever it is that whoever knows, I know it's not good news.

JJ drags his hands down his face and begins pacing—a good sign.

"Who knows what?" I ask.

JJ looks at Pope, Pope looks at JJ, they both look at me, and Pope explains. The only words that come from my mouth are a string of 'you're a fucking idiot' phrased in a few ways. Pope begins getting more and more worked up, so JJ grabs his collar and reminds him to deny it until he's blue in the face.

I begin freaking out, silently, more internally than externally. It's more of a silent freakout where I stare at a wall.

The realisation of who I used to spend all my time with, who I had sex with, who I used to love, and what they're capable of is hitting me hard. Metaphorically and physically. Rafe beat someone with a golf club, for no other reason than doing their job. I feel naive, I feel stupid. How could I not have seen this? The only way I can imagine myself being this blind is because I didn't want to see it, deep down I think I knew, but the pressure from my father, and Ward made me turn away from the bright, red flags that were right in front of me.

Tonight is the night when everyone gathers to watch some shitty movie on a tarp hung up while humidity melts you and mosquitoes suck you dry.

I'm not a fan of the Outer Bank's summer movie night.

Seems no one is overly phased about the recent happenings on the island. Everyone seems excited. Teenage couples to grope under blankets or/and get violently high and parents to let their shitty children run rampant.

"I'm so glad they're still doing this. Keep calm and carry on." Kie smiles, a bag held in one arm and a fold-out chair tucked under the other. I walk beside her, nowhere near her level of excitement. I've piled more lies on top of the already mile-high pile. Food poisoning, that's why I was sick. Mindless chewing of my lips, that's why it's split. A change in style, that's why my hair is out when it's always up. The lies came out before I could stop them, I covered for Rafe without thinking. Putting him before me, just like everyone wants me to do—well, not everyone. I doubt Kie wants that, she would love a reason to bring out a pitchfork for that.

I want to come clean and lay out the awful truth for them. I want to tell people the stuff I was forced to hide. I hate all the lies, they're tricky and I don't remember who knows what, it's a matter of time before I say the wrong thing to the wrong person and it all tumbles down and crushes me. Then I'll be the girl that lied. The girl that cheated. While I think Kie would forgive me for cheating, she doesn't give a flying fuck about Rafe, I don't know if she could forgive me for all the lies, months worth. And Sarah, I have no clue what is going to happen. I lied to her face and cheated on her brother–however strained their relationship may be, and however close we are, I don't know where her loyalties will fall.

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