This is me

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Let’s start from the beginning.

Hello, I’m me.

You may not always like it,

But it’s all I know how to be.

                I’m the shyest person you’ll ever meet.

                I’m not afraid to speak my mind.

                I’m a contradiction.

                I have no lies to hide behind.

                                I have a story, a history,

                                A past, sometimes sad.

                                But it made me who I am today.

                                Guess it wasn’t all bad.

                                                Sometimes I look back and cry

                                                But I wipe away the tears

                                                And reach down for the courage

                                                To overcome my fears.

                                                                Sometimes I’m strong, Sometimes a mess.

                                                                You see what you want to see.

                                                                All I can do is show you, let you know

                                                                That this is me.

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