And I know no one will save me
I'm just asking for a kiss
Give me one good movie kiss
And I'll be alright

Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody
ooh, ooh,
Nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, nobody, no..'

Theodora took a breath when she finished, letting out a small shaky breath, god that song always got to her, before letting out a small laugh at the glimpse of comments she read.

@username54 : holy fuck i forgot how good she sings

@username55 : LIKE AN ANGEL

@username56 : when is the next album coming out?

She set aside the ukulele and brushed a stray hair away from her face that has fell there during the chorus. "Uh, the next album will be coming out around the time I'm done filming Eternals. Once it gets closer to the release date, I'll you guys the exact time."

The woman began reading through the comments, reading out peoples usernames and answering all the questions she could without spoiling her album or the movie. It was about 5 minutes into this before a familiar username popped up.

@keoghan92 : that was beautiful singing <3 where's your Grammy already?

Theo let out an excited squeal when she read who is was. A wide smile spreading on her face as she waved at the again, her comment section going just as crazy as she at her co-star sudden appearance.

"Barry! Hi! How are you? Wait, you know what? Send me a request to join." She waited for a second for it to load, quickly tapping on the button when he did it.

It took a second for his face to came in but when it did, man it was worth it. His hair was very fluff at the moment, just little bits poking out the ends of his baseball cap as he took it off to adjust. He was wearing a simple zip up hoodie and a plain shirt underneath but he looked great anyway.

Barry was clearly outside in the world as he has a mask on and and the sky was mixing behind him as he walked. He had AirPods in though so it just looked like he was on FaceTime with someone.

"Hi, love. Where are ya?" His Irish accent seeped through the phone on her end as he smiled at her.

@username57 : HE CALLA HER LOVE

@username58 : THEYEE SO

@username59 : when the two hottest people on the planet meet- gay panic attacks

"I'm doing good, how are you?"

"I'm doing great over here, just getting a new suit case cause my last one was so banged up." Barry said, looking both ways before he crossed the street.

"Oh crap, that's what I forgot to do." Theo looked away from the camera as he laughed at her, the woman scrambling to her up from her couch. "Wait, hold on! I need to get a pen!" She ran from her kitchen and back to the couch before noticing that her kitten had jumped up and sat in her spot. The woman paused, looking down at the animal before saying, "Excuse you, that's my seat."

She picked up Nox, placing her in her lap, which seemed to be immediately swallowed by her sweater. Theo picked up a pad of paper and started writing herself a reminder to buy a new suitcase before the trip as Barry asked, "Why do you need to pick up a new case?"

"'Cause the last plane ride I took, the airport lost my suit case and I just haven't bought another one." She folded it up and set it aside with her pen before reading more of the comments.


@username61 : oh my days jimmy fucking manifested this

@username62 : Barry, have you shown her the video from 2017?

"Shhhhh, guys, shut up. She doesn't need to see that damn video." Barry said into the phone, playing angry even though he didn't really seem like it.

"What is this video I keep hearing about? What did you do?"

"Don't worry about it."

Theo froze for a second, narrowing her eyes at the camera for a second before saying, "I feel like there something shifty business going on with this video and I'm some how involved."

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just an embarrassing video of me from 2017. It's nothing." He gave her a nervous smile, hoping that she wouldn't go looking for it. He was really worried that she would watch it and get  really awkward around him before they even got on set from the things he said about her and his crush.

The crush that he most definitely since had seeing her and talking to her.

"Okay, well, since you clearly don't want me to see this video, I won't go looking for it like I normally would if it were anybody else." She gave him a small smile which he returned quickly.

@username63 : god they're so cute, they should just kiss and get it over with

a/n: yeah this may be crap but I got bullied into posting this on TikTok so I did it
(I'm weak)

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