II 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑒

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The blond looked at Eren with almost psychopathic eyes.

"Is she yours?" The blond asked.

"Well no, not right now, but maybe after everyone leaves, we might do a few things that i'm sure you'd love to know about." Eren snapped back.

"Oh i see." The blond said as he looked at you with a seemingly blank expression.

"Now hold on, there's still uni tomorrow and I'm not sure how I feel about skipping— and let's get one thing clear, I'm not staying over." You said, abruptly breaking the tension between Eren and the blond.

Eren looked at you with an unamused face, "Ugh fine, you do you sweetheart." He said as he walked away.

"Thanks for that, I'm really bad at rejecting people like that, so thank you for stepping in, really." You said as you locked eyes with the blond.

"No problem, I'd be happy to help a pretty girl like you any day." Blue-eyed boy replied.

Your face turned a deep red, why were you blushing? It was such a simple comment? "My name's Armin by the way, do you mind if I ask for yours?"

Armin. You'd never heard that name before. It fit as him. It was different with a cute tone to it. "My name is y/n. Y/n l/n." You finally replied.

"You have a lovely name." He said, as he stepped out of the corner of the room. You hadn't noticed with the dim lighting, but he looked quite different than he did in class. He was wearing black pants, a sweater vest, earrings, rings, and a dress-shirt that was unbuttoned to his chest. If you weren't sure you liked him before, you were sure now. As soon as he stepped into the light, his hair shined a beautiful gold. You noticed he wasn't wearing his glasses. You asked him about them, "Oh, yeah. I wear glasses, yes, but for events like this I tend not to wear them. I don't want them to break or anything." He replied. You'd always had a thing for men with glasses, so you were glad they were real, and that he'd wear them often.

"I saw you in literature and language correct? You're the girl I bumped into?" He asked, breaking your inner thoughts.

"Yes, and no, I bumped into you, I'm really sorry. It's just so nerve wracking, walking in to a classroom like that, full of people you don't know." You replied.

"Well, how about you and I get to know each other a bit?" He asked charmingly.

You looked at him, your eyes opened wide, was this real? You'd only met this guy today, how was all of this happening already? You smiled a little too eagerly, and said, "Yeah, I'd like that."

"Great, how about tomorrow, after classes?" Armin asked.

"Yeah, i'd like that. Is it okay if I see u at the coffee shop in the corner?" You added.

He gave you a smile and agreed.

It was getting late, so you left to go look for Sasha. You couldn't find her, so you texted her. She said she wasn't going back to the dorm, she explained that she'd be leaving with Niccolo. Shortly after that, you found them talking in a hallway. You waved goodbye and figured you'd have to tell Sasha about Armin later.

You went to find Eren, after all, it was he who threw the party. You felt that you should at least thank him, as you had a good time. You found him in the kitchen, he was sipping a a bottle of beer. He was talking to a very pretty girl, she was blonde and had blue eyes, she was also kinda short, but nevertheless, beautiful. You felt a little insecure, and just waved to Eren and mouthed, thanks, i'm going now! He stopped you and said, "You're gonna go just like that?" and grabbed you by the waist, you noticed he stank of beer, "You're wasted Eren. Let the girl go home." A woman called.

jealousy; armin arlertWhere stories live. Discover now