The Snake and Its Snakeling

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Harry turned to look behind him slowly, as a shiver ran up his spine. The whispers sounded almost hiss-like and he was afraid of what it may be coming from. He was startled to see a pair of vivid yellow eyes staring at him. What scared him was that its eyes held cat-like slits instead of human pupils. He stared silently at the eyes as they began to move closer to him, and out of the bush. Harry inhaled sharply as the head of a large snake popped out of the bush. It stalked up to him slowly, almost predatory, their eyes never leaving each others. As the snake got closer Harry could make out that the whispering was coming from the snake in front of him. Confusion and curiosity quickly replaced the fear. He watched the snake move towards him while whispering. When it stopped right before him he kneeled before it.

Harry quietly whispered "Hi", unaware that he was no longer speaking English. The snake stopped inches from his face with a small hiss of surprise. "Are you a speaker?" asked the snake slowly as if in disbelief. Harrys face crunched up cutely in confusion," What is a speaker?" The snake gave a hiss like chuckle as it wrapped around Harrys small body like a blanket. It had noticed him shivering because of the rags he wore. It wondered why he wore so little in the middle of winter but pushed it aside to continue observing him as it explained, "A speaker is a person who can speak the language of the serpents." Harry gasped softly before snuggling into the warmth of the snakes coils, quickly loosing his focus to drowsiness.

After a few minutes of silence the conversation began again. "Thank you" harry whispered meekly. The snake only coiled tighter and started to speak. "Why are you out here in the cold snake-ling". Harry stayed quiet for only a minute before speaking. " My uncle tried to beat me to death again after he got home angry." The snake hissed fiercely and coiled protectively around the little boy. "How dare he try to do that to a child, that disgusting lowlife of a man." Harry stayed quiet, quickly succumbing to the peace brought by sleep.

The snake admired the quiet boy in her coils. He had dark black hair and emerald green eyes. They held beauty while also holding darkness. They reminded the old snake of her hatchlings ruby eyes that were oh so similair. It had only gone out to hunt when she found the young boy alone. She had wandered what he was doing all alone at night. When she had heard him speak the language of serpents she was surprised, before an idea dawned on her. She could take the boy back to her hatchling and see where he could be placed. It could sense the boys magic due to her being a familiar as well as a magical animal.

With its mind made up it disappeared into thin air, returning to its hatchling as well as their new family member.

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