(Y/N) cut off a piece of scrambled egg with her fork and gave it to Megumi for him to try, much to her dismay he spit it out after a few seconds of holding it in his mouth.

"Eggs are good for you," she told him as if he could understand, "Maybe I'll grind up some cooked yolk for lunch, you'd like that."

Megumi didn't hear her, instead he stuck the bottom of the plastic plate presented in front of him in his mouth. He had begun teething last month and it hadn't gotten much worse other than him crying himself to sleep every other night.

He was asleep now, on the couch behind (Y/N) he made a pillow out of the jumbled cardigan she was wearing yesterday. (Y/N) talked to her plants, a habit she had developed since she had no adult friends to tell her problems. Her green onion plants fell prey to her soft complaints as she braided the long grass to keep her hands occupied.

"Toji gave us so many groceries, I haven't been excited to cook dinner in a long time," (Y/N) told her green onion, there was no early breeze so they were unable to wave to her, "He bought us meat and fish, I can be assured that my children will leave the table with full bellies."

The sliding door behind her was cracked open to hear the cries of Megumi if they'd ever arise, but an uncomfortable feeling bubbled up inside her stomach. She felt overwhelmed, in the upcoming months when winter hit... her plants would be dead. They wouldn't be able to survive in the house. Heat was going to be an issue this year more than it usually was, (Y/N) sank down to her knees and held her mouth. Brows crooked in a soft cry, she fought tears. She refused to do anything like get loans or gamble, because that would never turn out well... Her parents and siblings pushed her out of their life, she was hopeless at this point.

Weather would get harsh in only a few months, without realizing the pavement underneath her began to wet with her tears. She'd begun sobbing now, softly choking back her soft wails. Familiar cries of Megumi brought her to her feet and she trailed inside. Picking up the small boy she sat him on her lap, he pressed his palm against the wetness of her cheek and rubbed it. Her eyes were red and puffy, still moist. He didn't have the mental capacity to understand what his mother was going through, and (Y/N) didn't expect him to. He felt something conveyed through his mothers pained smile and puffy lips, but it wasn't the warm love he was used to.

It felt sour, and cold. Genuine sadness.

Megumi was never aware of this feeling, only that he didn't like it. So he did what he did best, he cried and cried until he had put himself to sleep... Again. (Y/N) didn't leave his side this time, instead she lied down with him still in her arms and slept on the couch.


Tsukimi came home to the sight of her mother asleep on her couch, her little brother heavily interested in the television in front of him. No cartoons were on, it was the news that was documenting a bad car crash that happened on the highway. Tsukimi took a mental note of it despite knowing neither she or her mother owned a vehicle.

Ever since her night terrors Tsukimi had made a habit to sleep in her mothers room for comfort, the air around her was always so welcoming.

Tsukimi was too young to vividly remember when she first got dropped off, all she could remember was the panicked yells of her birth mother and the arguing of her supposed father- Toji. (Y/N) was the real reason she was alive, if anything else Toji would've snapped her birth mother and her neck within a heartbeat. Because of the poor state of life she was forced to live in, Tsukimi had to mature much faster than normal children. Instead of looking at dandelions as some kind of puffy magical wish maker like other children her age, she instead thought about how the leaves could make a delicious salad.

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