She sighed into the breeze when it hit her face, she didn't say anything to either of the plants who seemed to so eagerly wait for her answer. Their green leaves waved at her in the breeze, she could hear their laughter. She felt a pang of guilt as she took small gardening scissors and cut the heads of the chives. The loud laughter no longer echoed in her head, replaced with the deafening silence.

Her hands forcefully slid over the glass sliding door of the porch to be welcomed with the familiar cries of Megumi. Rushing over to the bedroom where he was a sobbing mess on his back, his weak fists hitting the sheets.

Hushing the small being, she picked him up and started patting his back softly. He was hungry, and she knew. Slowly, she lifted up her shirt to breastfeed.

She'd gotten to the point where she needed to gradually get Megumi used to normal food, mainly things like applesauce or ground up peas - courtesy of her garden. After he finished she propped his chest against her shoulder and patted his back until a small burp left his lips.

It wasn't long until he started drifting off into sleep again, finding comfort in his mothers arms. The warmth of her love washed over her, she'd do anything for her children.

"The strawberries were right," she whispered to her sleeping son, "It is a good morning."

The hour passed quickly, too quickly. Megumi was chewing and sucking on a variety of baby toys while (Y/N) prepared dinner. She'd decided to spoil herself and her children tonight by purchasing salmon and cooking it into a miso styled soup. That way they could have a proper dinner versus rice balls.

Even if it meant (Y/N) wouldn't exactly get to eat anything the next few days.

"I'm home!" Tsukimi stumbled into the home, bright faced.

There was a lingering smell that welcomed her in the small entryway. (Y/N) and Megumi had become noseblind to the aroma since they had been there for so long and so often. It was stuffy and thick, almost malicious.

It was still home nonetheless.

Skipping up to her mother and handing her a note presented on a neon colored sticky tab.

She jumped in excitement when (Y/N) had turned her attention away from the broth she was preparing and to Tsukimi instead, "What does the note say, tell me!"

(Y/N)'s eyes skimmed over the curly written words, "Tsukimi was very good today, she helped out with handing out lunches this afternoon," she read aloud, a soft smile on her lips.

Tsukimi then explained her request for her lunch to be the next day.

"I know we can't afford expensive meals, so I wanted to go without lunch tomorrow to save some more food for Megumi..."

(Y/N)'s heart felt as if it were being twisted and rang out, like a wet rag.

"There's no need for that," she insisted, "Megumi gets most of his food from me, those things are for mom to sort out... Not you," her tone was soft and not demanding, it was more of a request.

Tsukimi tugged on the apron her mother was wearing, "I want to help you! Nobody helps you! You're here all alone with a baby that does nothing but cry and throw up," another twist in her chest, "I get so worried about you all the time!"

She lowered herself to her daughter's height, squatting to meet her eyes.

"I'm telling you right now, do not strain yourself for me. I don't need you to bend backwards for me, it's my job to bend backwards for you."

Tsukimi was forced to grow up fast, getting dropped off at some stranger's house and that role of a mother was lovingly replaced with the image of (Y/N). Despite only being 5 years old she has a proper understanding of things adults cannot. (Y/N) has caught her trying to read through electric bills or insurance documents on multiple occasions instead of sleeping in her own bed.

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