“I wanted to ask you how you feel about having kids.” “That’s all?” “Yeah.” “Oh come on, don’t let it bother you. We can make a few if you want.” He gave me a suggestive look. “Come on, Raj – be serious.” “I would like to have them but only when you want to have them. I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to.” I smiled to myself at his answer. He held my hand and kissed me on the cheek. I love you. So, do you want to have babies? He asked me. I told him that when the time comes it will but for now, I have him. It was almost 3 and half months of getting to know him better that I finally put myself out there for him. After a life of being shielded, I didn’t expect my life to turn this way either. I became a housewife after marrying him. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted.

If I was still working, there would be too much other stuff to deal with because he’s so famous. It could be dangerous. He had warned me about all of it. I finally got used to the media. He would come home with invitations to events. We went to a few on the weekends but other than that we were mostly at home. We still have a few days before going back home.  Right now Raj had something else in mind. I moved away and I was right, the saree slipped down. Before I could get up, I felt a tug. He pulled me over and before I could get up again, I was pulled a lot closer to him. In his embrace, I could barely think. My heart was racing for him. Before he could kiss me – there was a knock. Raj had work. He said that they had editing to do. He’s going to come back late tonight. He kissed my cheek and left with Aman who gave me an apologetic smile.

The next few days went on like that. I accompanied him on set and usually hung out with the costume people. I love looking at them. They’re so creative and they suit the situations well. The upcoming episodes have a few celebrations so there’s a lot of bright coloured fabrics. I love everything about this. Sometimes I’m in the editing process too giving my feedback as a viewer. There’s something about this that I enjoy doing. The day before we’re leaving, I was going to leave a bit early to start packing. I was talking to Sona, the head of the costume department. She has one assistant. That’s the whole unit.

I felt light-headed. I didn’t know why. I hadn’t eaten lunch. I didn’t feel hungry. Maybe that’s why. Sona had turned to do something. I stepped towards Raj to ask him if he wants to eat but my head pounded, sweat drops formed on my forehead and then the floor rapidly came closer to me and my eyes closed too.

Raj told me later how Sona had asked him to come and he was shocked seeing me lying there. She had tried to wake me up and then went to him. He picked me up and drove me to the hospital. It was a weekday so it wasn’t too busy. I woke up wearing my skirt and blouse drenched in water and sweat. I had taken an injection. Raj sat with me worried. As soon as I woke up, he drew his chair closer to me. “Hey jaan, how are you feeling?” I told him I was okay and he told me about my fainting episode. The doctor came by when he saw me awake. They had done a few tests.

They said I was perfectly fine. Raj was defensive. “How can you say she’s fine? She hasn’t been okay. She fainted!” The doctor said that he needs to talk to me alone first. I finally convinced Raj to wait outside. The doctor asked me if I had felt some symptoms – lightheadedness (for sure), cravings, disappearance of my menstrual cycle, slight weight gain – now that I thought about it, it was true. Cravings for sweets and definitely weight gain. I wasn’t Ms. Skinny-bones any more. And my periods had stopped a while ago. Now that I think about it, I hadn’t worried about it for weeks. I can’t believe I had missed it. “Well, Mrs. Malhotra, after those tests and the confirmation about those symptoms, I’d like to congratulate you and tell you that you’re pregnant. Please inform your family physician when you get back home. You are now two months into your pregnancy. We advise you to get bi-weekly check-ups. You can call your husband back in.” He was back inside instantly.

A Love called Myra: Raj and MeeraWhere stories live. Discover now