In sickness and in health - Crowley Eusford

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Hey guys so first chapter and first piece of writing in a while - heads up, not my best work since I was sick when I wrote this but I hope you'll enjoy either way!

Crowley Eisford
Sick vampire reader

I had lived in the vampire city ever since I could remember now, under the ground away from the sun which as a child would scorch my skin. It was a comfortable safe existence even if I spent most of my days in me room to exhausted to leave my brothers residence. On the days I could however I made sure to visit all the people I could - human and vampire alike it didn't matter to me. My brother would always says I cared to much for the human children, that I should learn to treat them as livestock especially given me condition. However I believed that a whole population could not be put to blame for the actions of a few strays...

It was during my trips around the city I had met with a number of the nobles my brother had served alongside. Lord Ferid Bathroy, Ladies Horn Skuld and Chess Belle, even the thirteen progenitor Lord Crowley Eusford. He was the one most curious to me since I found it intriguing how no matter the subject he always wore the same unchanging smile. It was trick I'd seen many vampires try but few perfect so well. Being of common blood however I rarely got to meet with the specific noble which saddened me greatly. With lord Crowley around things were never full and certainly not miserable.

Today was supposed to be one of the rare occasion I'd be able to see able my friends from nobility. A ball was being thrown and and an invitation had arrived for both my brother and myself to attend despite being of common blood. I'd been excited all week: buzzing with joy at the thought of seeing everyone again - I'd even worked hard and sprung for a new dress, and shoes, even choosing a specific way to style my hair. Perhaps I was overthinking the party a smidge but I was ever so excited to be given to opportunity, and yes perhaps some of that excitement was because I'd get to see 'him' again there.

However, to my greatest dismay the night before my sickly nature had struck again and I was racked with the dizzying pain of a head-cold. I'd hoped it would pass during to night but no the sickness only grew. By morning my nose ran in an ugly manner and I didn't feel I had the energy to leave the bed. Even if I did I felt too dreadful to leave now, shivering like crazy sneezing every few seconds. Looking in the mirror I held my dress before my body then hung it up again with a sigh and reached for tissue instead, dabbing my nose to try and cease its running as I made my way back fo my bed.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n) are you ready? It's nearly time." My brother Lacus hummed from the other side of my door, knocking twice before poking his head into the room. Pulling the sheets over my head my eyes drifted to meet his as I wore a frown that soon appeared across his own lips. Lacus was wearing a suit for the first time in months and looked so smart I couldn't help but be a bit proud. Unfortunately this just went to make me feel worse over not being able to attend myself.

"I'm sorry came out of nowhere..." I mumbled before beginning to cough again. My brother came over and sat on the edge of the bed next to me with no fear of being infected himself. After all, most normal vampires can't get sick. I'm just unusually frail it would seem. He brushed my hair back from my brow and passed me the handkerchief from his breast pocket as I sneezed once more.

"There's no need to apologise, it's not your fault," Lacus spoke dabbing the tears from the corner of my eyes after I'd sneezed yet again. I felt his fingers lace through mine as he gave it a little squeeze of reassurance. I gave him a weakened smile and sniffled feeling my nose begin to ran again. "I'll stay with you tonight, I shouldn't go off having fun and leave you here sick." My brother added cupping my face with a kind look to his usually cold crimson eyes. Lacus meant the world to me, he had been at my side ever since we were human nursing me threw illness after illness. Yes I knew he could be reckless when it came to humans but to me he was a sweetheart.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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