Chapter 21: Start

Start from the beginning


The three friends reached the center of chaos and destruction.

"Hell itself," said Charlotte.

"You can say that again," Kate said getting a shiver.

"They sure didn't show the worst of it all on TV because of the law but this is too much they were hiding. They made it sound bad but it didn't look bad at all. That's... not a good thing," Mike clenched his hands.

"The Council can't handle them so they hide it, huh..." Char said looking around.

"Maybe it's to not create too much panic. Just maybe," Kate said trying to be optimistic, though it didn't really work.

"Yeah, no. They're hiding their asses because they can't control these guys since they're too weak to even try," Mike clicked his tongue.

It was silent again. Silent between them. People were still shouting for help and the police, firefighters and Fighters were doing what they could. They were a bit late though.

Even though they didn't get to see any one of the people who did this, they were onto something with The Council.

The Northern Region

After all of that chaos, the Central Region had closed down for rebuilding every building, road, hospitals, schools, etc.. People, obviously, had to move to other regions.

"I heard that most people are going to the Northern Region since it's safer there," said Garr.

"Well, we have to move quickly. How much safer can it be there? We gotta act now when they're vulnerable. Am I right or am I right?" said Kiki.

"Right. Let's split up as we did today. We can take other people to group when we attack the next region. Let's go," Mika said, as they all took everything they needed and left.


They didn't waste any time and blew up that one fabric in the N. Region where inflamables and explosives were made. Everything was chaos once again. People screaming, running, crying. The Monster People, along with The Runners, looked over what they caused with a blank face for a few minutes, then left since they were tired. Fatigue was written on everyone's faces, so they just rested the next day.

You may now wonder, how was that explosion enough? The explosives in this world are extremely dangerous and effective, and the N. Region is pretty small, so that was an easy blow. Sometimes, Mika wonders how they thought that the N. Region is the safest of them all.

Eastern and Western Regions

You see, people went two ways, as the police and Fighters instructed them to. They all went to both the Eastern and the Western Region.

"Not like that'd be a problem now. Are they dumb or what? They must not know about our strength, or maybe they're not taking us seriously," Ney said, holding their chin.

"Right..." Jack murmured.

"I think it'd be enough even to split up. Both the regions are also small. The biggest ones are the Central and Southern Region. We should be able to handle this just fine," Norman encouraged.

"Aight! Then let's split up!" Lucas exclaimed.

They all split into multiple groups, but two big ones: East and West. The subgroups were separated on their ability to manage better where and do what. It'd be expected for Mika to go to the Eastern Region since that's where she lived, right? No. The group of the three old friends might know where to hit her, so she just gave some advice and indications and went to the West. Char was from the West and that meant that Jack was too. Jack didn't go to the East for two reasons: 1. His sister was there and 2. He knew the West better anyway, so it was better this way.

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