Chapter 1

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15 Years Later
Saint Luke's Sanitarium for the Criminally Insane

Sitting on my hard squeaky cot with head on my knees I look up and through the bars on my window and wonder what outside looks like. I've not been able to set foot outside of my cubby of a room since I attacked the guard on duty for trying to touch my ass. He should have known better the biter tag on my gray uniform isn't there for decoration.
"When do we get to play.? I'm bored."
I roll my eyes at the childish voice and raise my head to look at the small figure only I can see in the corner of my room.
"Never look what happened the last time I let you play." With a shake of my head I turn away to look at my metal door. " Gosh when are they gonna bring me my food.!"
I've been sitting here for hours , not that I can tell time since I have no clock.
"You should be a little nicer to them after all they're the one who helped slay your monster."
At the sound of the raspy voice my head jerks to the floor and I lay on my tummy to look under my bed. There eight beady red eyes stare back " I'm not talking about that time I'm thankful for that. I'm talking about when she stabbed nurse Ruby with her name tag."
"Hey.! We said we were sorry.! How were we supposed to know she'd put us on lock down."
Rolling my eyes again I sit up at the sound of a loud Bang.! at my door
"On the ground , hands on your head Camelot I'm coming in.!"
Sighing I stand from my cot pull up my pant legs and get on my hands and knees at the feel of the cold floor I hiss.
"You hate cold things it makes you angry ."
"Shut it I'm trying not kill anyone today ,at least not until I get my food."
My jaw flexes as I lay on my stomach and cross my hands behind my head. When I fully splayed I hear the bolts in my door disengaging. My heart beats faster as adrenaline courses through my body. "Freedom.!! Run! Run! Run!
Ignoring the urge to jump up tackle the guard and race to freedom I take a deep breath and relax my muscles.
"Doors open for room 1305.! "
There was loud buzzer then a bang as the doors opened to my room. Then several heavy booted feet rushed in stopping near my supine body. One pair of feet stopped at the top of my head one on either side of my hips and one at the bottom my feet. As I went to take another breath I felt a heavily muscled body drop onto my back , almost knocking the aforementioned breath out of me.
"Oooooh bad choice big guy hehehehe."
Grunting I tried to hold in my escalating temper as I asked "Is this necessary.? I'm complying with you.!"
"It's necessary if I want it to be necessary."
At the familiar female voice I knew today was going to be a long ass day
"Heheheh this is gonna be fun."
"Hmph interesting."

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