Chapter 51 Project Pedacon

Start from the beginning

"Awe Wheeljack I"ve never seen you so concerned, IT's cute." I said.

"D-Did you just call me cute?Mech's are not cute especially me." Wheeljack said. "And you studdered that makes you even cuter." I said with a sweet face prob.

"Ugh I cant get any where with you can I?" Wheeljack said. "Nope." I said then I did something he wouldnt expect I punched him in the faceplate.

"Ow, you got a mighty punch! I guess I deserve that and you were right by the way." He said as he walked off. "SO let's go see what the others are doing shall we?" I asked Magnus.

"we shall, after this." He said as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled through it. I Love this MEch.

"I Love you too sweetspark." He said. We both walked servo in servo to the main part of this new base.

I saw all the others they had worried expressions on. "Starblaze are you alright?" They all asked at the same time. Freaky really. "yes I'm fine." I said. They all nodded.

Onward to something for Miko to say: "How rad would it be if you all had jetpacks like Opitmus?"

No one answered at first. "Quite rad Miko." Ratchet answered. I was a little surprised. "But the forge has been depleted of it's power to do that." Ratchet answered again.

"Now it's only good for pounding out dings." Bulkhead said. "I think you'd look pretty hot swinging that hammer around, you would be like Thor." I whispered to Magnus. Atleast I hope it was a whisper. "Okay please keep your gross comments to your private comm links please." Miko said.

Not quite a whisper I guess." Who is this Thor you speak of?and is that so?" Magnus smirked not even caring about the others in the room. I blushed.

"Yuck!" Miko said again. "ugh really guys, not here."Bulk said. We then heard a car come racing in. Looks like smoke but with new colors. "Smokescreen?" Arcee asked. Said bot transformed and said" Aww what gave me away?"

We all just gave him the look. "Cmon robots in disguse right?" Smoke said. "You look awesome Smoke." I told him. "Thanks Blaze." Smoke smiled.

I started walking right behind him after his prime comment. "So SMoke where's you find the colors at?" I asked. "Human cars, where else?" He joked. "You know it." I said.

"so what happend with Wheeljack?" He asked. "I tried to convince him tha the needed us and not to be so irresponsible. then he just pushed me but my stomach was all hurting pretty bad so it didnt take much for him to knock me over then." I said.

"Im gonna beat his tailpipe." Smoke said angry. "Dont bother I already hit him and he said was sorry." I said. He relaxed then. "So what happend to your stomach?" He asked. "I'd rather not say it's too personal, sorry." I told him.

He put his hands up as to surrander and said" No problem."

I turned around at the sound of the ground bridge to see Oppi walking through holding somehting odd looking. "Optimus did you find energon?" Ratchet asked hopeful.

"No, but I did uncover this." Oppi said as he put the thing he was holding down as everyone surrounded it. "It's can not be?" Ratchet said as he did his shocked face. "What? what is it?" I asked.

"The ancient remains of a predacon." Oppi said. "Oppi what is a predacon?" I asked. "Okay I still cant get over the fact that you call him that and that he actually adopted you." bulkhead said. No one paid attention to what he said.

"Though it remains unclear why such a skull would be found on your planet, it's presnts reveals all too much that megatron sent the predacon on pursuit of Wheeljack."Ratchet said.

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