The Beginning

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        It was a cold, dreary Autumn night in Wisconsin 1990, Hope was walking home, from work when she heard a sound coming from a bush in the distance, She ignored it, And kept walking, Just as she took a few more steps, She felt eyes on her back, So she stopped for a second and whispered to herself, "What the hell is going on?

         She eventually kept walking home, But just then she heard someone behind her, And then she stared to run, She swear she could hear someone breathing heavily right behind her, She didn't stop running until she ran into a man she had never saw, It was a man with a mask in his hand,it was dark so she couldn't see what he looked like,She slowly started to back up, "You should watch were your going little girl, You never know who you might run into," The man said, As he swiftly put the mask on. 

       She felt a little paranoid, Like the guy was up to no good, So she turned around as fast as she could and she ran to the closest place, And it was a local store she went to everyday, She ran in, Out of breath. She was hoping that maybe with all the people she could loose him, But he wasn't to far behind her. 

      Before the man came in, He took of his mask, And casually walked in, Said hi to some of the workers, Before going in a aisle and grabbing something. Hope took this time to run out of the back door, Meanwhile the man inside was buying a new knife, After he bought the knife he ran out the backdoor, Chasing after Hope. 

Authors notes 

I hope you like this story by the end, i started writing this in ela for a short story and now its coming on here. I can't wait for y'all to read it. 

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