𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨:

Start from the beginning

"Why are you telling me this,Mr.Tom" Harry questioned though something in his gut told him he already knew.

There was a pause before Tom answered,"Because your my mate,Harry"

That's all it took for Harry's eyes to roll back and he fell limply into the couch.

"That went better than I expected" Tom mumbled after making sure the boy just passed out and not die,grabbing the green blanket he offered the boy earlier and laying it on him.

He brushed away the boys brown strands that were in his face,frowning as the boys expression wasn't relaxed like most when sleeping,it looked like one of exhaustion and torture.

He pushed himself up,walking out of the room to talk to his followers. Missing the way Harry's appearance changed.


Harry jumped awake,his body covered in sweat and cheeks tear stained as he shook from the nightmares that constantly replayed in his head.

"Breathe. Breath. Breath. Your okay,he's not here" Harry repeated to himself,his shaky hands gripping at his hair as he clenched his eyes shut.

One,two,three,four,hold. Out,One,two,three,four. Hold,one,two,three,four. In,One,two,three,four.

He continued the breathing exercise until his trembling stop and his mind cleared enough for him to look at his surroundings.

"Right" Harry mumbled to himself as he remembered how he was kidnapped. "Stupid dark lord"

He pushed himself off the couch,shivering as his bare feet landed on the tiled floor and he let out an annoyed puff of air as he shivered. He eyed the blanket that had fallen off of him,crossing his arms in stubbornness before stomping out the room.

He didn't need anything from dumb Voldy.

His footsteps were quiet as he made his way down the hall,peeking his head into rooms as he listened for any sound.

It wasn't until he got to the door at the end of the hallway that he heard noise. He pushed his ear against it hearing Tom's muffled voice.

He stepped back,not sure weather he should knock or just go in. But after looking down at his goosebump covered body all because the asshole who's tried to kill him multiple times decided to kidnap him from his bed he decided that he didn't care.

He was cold. He just woke up. He wanted a shower. He was hungry,which was a normal occurrence but still. He was annoyed. He just wanted for everyone to leave him the fuck alone.

He pushed the door open with a little more force than he meant to,causing it to slam against the wall with a loud bang. He froze under all the eyes that stared back at him and the wands that were pointed towards him.

After getting over his shock he forced himself to relax,strutting into the room as he let out a sigh.

"and here we fucking go again!...I mean good morning" Harry greeted as he plopped into the seat between Tom and Lucius Malfoy,grabbing a pancake from the middle of the table and cautiously giving it a sniff before shrugging and taking a bite. He didn't care if it killed him.

"Good morning,little lion,how was your sleep?" Tom questioned,his expression amused as he watched the boy munch on the pancake with his legs thrown over the arm of the chair he was sitting on. He was surprised that the boy was still only in his boxers but it wasn't unwelcomed,he liked watching the way the boys lean figured looked as he stretched out on the chair,it was a delicious sight.

Everyone else at the table hesitantly put away their wands.

"It was okay,would of been better if I was in my own bed though" Harry lied. It would of been worse if he was still in his bed back at the Dursley's but he wasn't about to tell them that.

"Are you just going to let him disrespect you like this,my lord?" Lucius snarled from his left and Harry rolled his eyes,not in the mood to put up with another blonde prat at the moment.

"Oh,my lord" Harry said dramatically,stretching even further out in his chair until he 'accidently' kicked Lucius who swatted at his feet. "I am so sorry. Please forgive me for the disrespect I have shown. What was it? too much skin? Not bowing when I walked through the door? What about kneeling? Do I have to do that?"

"What is he doing here again,my lord?" A familiar voice that had Harry's nose scrunching up spoke from the other side of the table.

He looked up,locking eyes with familiar dark pools of black as he stuck his tongue out, "It's called Karma and it's pronounced 'HAHA fuck you'"

"Lower the sarcasm,little snake" Tom spoke with a smirk,trying to hide the laugh that bubbled in his chest. It was entertaining seeing two of his death eaters get sassed by a sixteen year old.

He had a feeling the boy was going to be a brat but he had expected the boy to be frightened or shy at first.

But this was way better.

𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now