Chapter 12: The Pinky Promise

Start from the beginning

Is that why your always flirting with me?" Debo laughs. He burries his head in his arms. "Debo, I don't think we should look at each other in that way" Jayda says. Debo sucks his teeth and tries to stand up. Jayda grabs his arm and sits him back down. "I mean think about it! Think about if we were to actually get together. Things would probably go good for a few weeks and then boom we get in a bad argument or things get really toxic. Then we break up and our bond is ruined forever. Or even if we do make up, it won't be the same. I don't want to lose this bond I have with you. Trust me, it's better this way" Jayda rants. "What if it's not Jayda? What if your looking at things in a negative way? What if we get in a relationship and something beautiful comes out of it? What if I'm the one all along and your just to blind to see?" Debo says. Jayda shakes her head. "Well, I don't want to take
that risk" she says. "Do you really think we would be a good match? I'm an independent, outgoing, good Woman of God and your a cocky, dirty, freaky man whore no offense" Jayda says. "You forgot sexy too" Debo adds, laughing. "Boy shut up" she responds, gently mushing his face.

"Seriously it wouldn't work. You'll probably go out to the strip club if we get in a argument and come back home smelling like booty with hickey's all on your neck" she says. "Wowww," Debo says. "You really think I'm like that?" he asks. "You are. I've known you for almost 4 years now." Debo shakes his head. "Well, then you don't really know me" he mumbles. "Yeah whatever" she says. "All jokes aside though, things could happen and it would mess up the bond that we have and I really hate losing friends. Especially real genuine friends like you. I see you as a brother Debo. I'm sorry" she says. Debo nods. "It's cool" he responds. "Debo, I know it's gonna be hard, but you have to try and get over me" she says. Debo sucks his teeth. "Promise me you will. Promise that you'll lose these feelings for me and that you will stop getting angry and being disrespectful when I'm around Zaylon. Pinky promise" Jayda demands. She sticks out her pinky finger towards Debo. Debo looks at her pinky for a moment. He turns away. "Hello?" Jayda exclaims with her pinky finger still up. He wraps his pinky finger around hers and they shake it. "I promise" he mumbles. "Good" she says. "And could you do me another favor?" Jayda asks. "What?" Debo asks, turning to look at her. "Could you please apologize to Zaylon about—-" Debo sucks his teeth. "Hell nah" he murmurs. "Debo!" She shouts.

"I am not finna apologize. He called me a b*tch!" Debo argues. "You started it!" Jayda shouts. Debo shakes his head. "Derrick" she calls his name in a serious tone. "C'mon! Be the bigger person. I don't want things to be awkward when he comes over" Jayda says. "He coming over again?" Debo questions. Jayda nods. "Oh my God" he groans. "PLEASE" Jayda begs. Debo thinks to himself. A while later he mumbles "Fine." "Thank you" Jayda murmurs as she squeezes his arm tightly. "He better apologize too" Debo says. "I'm sure he will, he's a well mannered guy... Until somebody tries him, like you did" Jayda says. "Yea, ight" Debo utters. "Didn't you have something you wanted to ask me?" Jayda asks. "I pretty much said everything I been wanting to say" Debo answers. They sit there on the front porch steps in silence for a few moments.

Suddenly, Chris and Eli arrives. "Oh sh*t" Chris mumbles as he and Eli gets startled at Jayda and Debo's presence. "DEBO?" Chris shouts. "N*GGA WHERE YO ASS BEEN?" Eli shouts. "BRO YOU HAD US SEARCHING THE ENTIRE BLOCK FOR YOUR DUMB ASS" Chris hollers. Before Debo could speak, Chris interrupts. "N*GGAS DON'T ANSWER THEY PHONE NO MORE? Like I understand you said you needed to catch some air... BUT DAMN, TILL '10 O'CLOCK PM N*GGA? Talking 'bout I need some air. WHAT YOU GOT ASTHMA OR SOME SHIT?" Chris yells. Eli and Jayda bursts out laughing. Debo tries to speak again. "N*gga didn't even bother to call back, send a text message, a voicemail or nothing" Chris says, calming his voice down. "WORD" Eli shouts throwing his hands up. "Y'all done now?" Debo asks. "Can I- Can I talk now? Or is y'all gone keep interrupting me?😂" Debo asks. "Man, what 'cho ass got to say man?" Chris asks. "First of all, my phone dead" he says as he shows them his low battery screen. Secondly, I just got done whooping ass. I was mad. And y'all know how I get when I'm mad. Lastly...I ain't gone lie, a n*gga kind of got lost😂" Debo explains.

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