Keep The Family Save

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Two weeks later after the party, Elliott and Ramya decided to invite Kiri and Tea Joon for a round in a few hands of poker. It was night time too in fact, so no babysitter was needed since it was just a few drinks, Some friends and packs of cards. The evening started off fairly mundane, with the usual chatter about the games, the other Legends and speculation over who might be coming for season 12.

"Hey Witt you mind if I drink tonight, you don't mind keeping an I on your daughter do you?" Ramya said draping herself across Elliott's back, but he was now far too wise for her tricks, and even though he loved the feel of her body against him it wasn't what they had previously agreed.

"I thoughfryt you said you would be sober, that you were going to be drinking anyway." Elliott pouted already having had two beers.

"Yeah but, I can my mind." Ramya replied before turning to see Kiri who was sat in her chair shuffling the deck of cards. "Hey Kiri think you keep an eye on your niece for tonight? I would really appreciate it." Ramya said with a soft tone that made Kiri shiver.

"Geez you trying to made her choose like that? Not playing fair Ramya." Tea Joon tipping his beer to his lips. It was his first and he was taking his time over it.

"I just wanted to hear her answer is all hacker boy is all." Ramya said, not moving much but standing up slightly, her hands resting on Kiri's shoulders.

"Your okay with this Witt? That your loosely girlfriend is giving herself to anybody." Tea Joon said now looking at Elliott who looked more amused than jealous

"Meh if it gets me off from diaper duty then who am I to argue." Elliott replied, briefly wondering why it didn't bother him. He was well aware of his friend crush on Ramya, but there was something non threatening about their interactions.

"Look I ain't that bothered about drinking tonight, I will keep an eye on the rug rat, and save Kiri here any more of your flirting, I don't think her poor heart could take it." Tae Joon then said as Ramya moved away from the bird and strode over to Tae Joon and placed a soft pad on his shoulder.

"Thanks mate." Ramya whispered and Tae Joon couldn't help the heat that rose in his cheeks as Ramya pulled away and went and got another glass of wine.

"Yeah well, I guess you're welcome." Tae Joon muttered out as they all sat down at the table and got ready to start playing.

"Have you guys heard about Caustic and Horizon are a thing now?" Kiri feeling like a change of topic was in order, if nothing more to distract the others from her growing blushes.

"Nah I didn't know that." Ramya said
leaning forward on the table holding her wine glass up slightly and looking directly at him.

"Umm well I heard that they were together, you know not just friends." She said having to avert her eyes from Ramya's amber gaze, but glancing back as she sat back in her chair and looked from Elliott to Tae Joon.
"Well good for them." Tae Joon said raising his beer and taking another small sip.

"Yeah I'm happy that your brother found someone to love him. I mean I didn't think he would be her type of person." Elliott said after he was downing his beer.

"Yep same. Im happy he's not to grumpy with me anymore but, its a start." Tae Joon replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice which he covered up by dealing out the cards.

"So it true from the rumour or do we know that they are an item?" Ramya then asked, but before anyone could reply a cry came from upstairs that persisted.

"I just feed her an hour ago." Ramya said and started to get up but Tae Joon stop her.

" I'd go see what's her problem, you just stay there okay?" Tae Joon said with a soft smile. Ramya smiled and nodded knowing Sombra was in good hands with the people around her and that knew. She trust them with her daughter. Ramya watched as Tae Joon when upstairs. The crying had soon stop, Ramya then relaxed in her chair.

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