The Baby Part 1

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"Your pregnant...... are you sure?"
Elliott ssid while looking at Ramya straight in the eyes.

Ramya smiles. "si Loverboy, I had gotten a message from my doctor and he said that I'm overdue for the injection."

Elliott gets on the bed and hug Ramya then breaks the hug.

"Look like Ramya your going to have to take it easy, like stop competing in the gam-."

Ramya puts her finger on Elliott's lips before he can continue to talk.

"Witt hold on right there, I'm still going to fight in the games...for while, Second no extra protection so don't get Crypto in with that and lastly I want you to keep this between us I don't any of the legends to find out about this okay?" Ramya saids after she moves her finger away from Elliott's lips.

Elliott nodded. "Of course Ramya. Oh and I have something to tell you.

Ramya raised her eyes up. "Oh? Wait let me guess." She closed her eyes and saids. "Would it be that you have powers?."

Elloitt was shocked

"Y-Yep! That was it babe!"

Ramya places her hand on Elliott's face. "Witt my heart still be broken of what you do nor are, I love you for you."

Elliott raised his hand on Ramya's hand on his face and kiss her hand.

"I love you so much Ramya and I promise you, I will protect you and our baby."

"I know you will." Ramya kisses Elliott's cheek.

Elliott moves his hand from Ramya's hand to her stomach.

"I would mind if we have Twins or just one kid....."

"If we do have a boy, I bet he will be looking like his handsome dad." Ramya rubs Elloitt hair back and forth.

"And if a daughter she look like her beautiful mom."

It was around nighttime and Elliott stayed over at Ramya's place and along that night they both went to sleep.

The Next moring Elloitt was in Ramya's Kitchen getting some coffee for her. He tap on her face while still holding her coffee his left hand and she wake up, seeing Elliott and smile.

"Morning Elliott..." Ramya saids while getting up.

Elliott kissed Ramya on the lips and puts his forehead hers. "Morning sweetheart, heres your Coffee I'd made for you. Elliott gives her coffee and Ramya takes it drinks it.

Ramya looks at her clock and see the time, she gets off of bed and immediately goes to the bathroom followed by Elliott who grab her hair. why? You may ask because will the coffee he gave her was in the toilet.

"Elliott this will be hand full to do in the ring....." Ramya said while wipe her mouth with her hand.

Elloitt rubs circle on her back and saids "Hey it will get better I promise you."

"If your pregnant one I'd bet you would not be saying that Elliott." With that Elliott laugh but, only for a bit.

"I need to get dress mate we have a match to go today."

Ramya was able to managed to get an appointment with her doctor ten days later, it was hardest to work around their schedule. Also finding a time where they could go together and not be missed or spotted. Elliott was so excited that he almost bounced into the surgery. Ramya was more worried than excited and as she had cold jelly squirted onto her stomach she once again gave Elliott a death glare.

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