Late at night

214 4 4

Dans* POV

I never thought this is where I'd end up. I've always loved imagining the future and what it could be, all of the possibilities, yet I find myself here. We're laying in bed at his apartment (which is thankfully less gross since I've been around) he's sound asleep with his head resting on my chest as I comb my fingers through his hair.
I'm not a fan of surprises but this is certainly an exception. I feel his breath against my chest and the slight purr that seems to emerge from his. Mr. Mumbles is laying at the foot of the bed on Dan's side, god he loves that cat. It's the cutest thing ever, no matter how many times she does something he still reacts the same way, same amount of enthusiasm and everything.
I'm not exactly a fan of horror movies but he just knows so much about them I can't help but find myself enveloped in his interests, it urges me to watch them, of course with him. He's also surprisingly a decent cook, I mainly cook our meals but sometimes he feels like treating me special. I still monitor all of this, I said he's a decent cook but that doesn't mean I can trust him enough to not burn down the whole complex.
Speaking if burning down buildings and such, he's been less angry since we've started dating. He still has his moments, as expected, but he now has something he didn't before. Someone that attempts to understand him and hear him out along with comfort him. He gets confused by himself and struggles putting his finger on what he's feeling, I just try my best to help him through it and it usually works.
We still do some revenge schemes together, or he heads off with Chris when I don't feel like it. It's sweet how much he talks about Chris, it's like whenever we go somewhere he points things out and is just like "oh Chris loves that movie!" Or "one time me and chris.." etc. He's started treating him nicer too, he doesn't have as many reasons to be upset so their relationship has definitely grown.
I could go on and on about this man for the rest of my life, but that would be distracting me from him right now. He loves it when I run my fingers through his hair even when we both know he should probably wash it, I enjoy knowing he is happy waking up and having someone with him. He talks so much about so many things and the best thing is, he doesn't feel like stopping. When we first started dating he would talk and then the conversation would just slowly start to deteriorate has he started to worry I didn't care.
"Why did you stop?" I asked, a bit disappointed over the sudden halt in our conversation, "why are you still listening?" He asked in response. I think that's when I started to really understand how much he overthinks. If he woke up right now we'd probably talk a bit and he'd begin fidgeting with the covers wondering if he's worth any of this.
I know he is though, he's worth everything, and that's all that matters. I just try to let him know, every single day of my life that he means the whole world to me. I don't care if it takes me a week or a thousand years, I wish to never leave his side and even if it's just once, I want him to feel appreciated and just know that...I love him.

Jerkshipping oneshots <3जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें