Pretty Please?

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Katuski couldn't see anything. Everything was dark and all he could do was think. He thought of friends, how he would get out, and what happened to his quirk. He had no idea how much time had passed but he was bored, and he would never admit it, but he was scared. 

He laid on the cot, staring into the dark abyss, and thought about Deku. He never hated the nerd. He just wanted to protect him, and God, he failed. He left him at that camp, his body broken. 

He was so lost in thought, he flinched when he heard the door clicking. He sat up as best he could and stared in the direction of the door.

It opened, and Bakugo closed his eyes from the sudden light. It burned. Slowly, slowly, he was able to open his eyes against the light to show Shigaraki standing in the room with him. He switched on a light and closed the door.

"Hi," Shigaraki said awkwardly. It confused Bakugo.

"Hello?" Bakugo replied with venom in his tone. 

"Did you sleep?"

"I don't know," Katsuki answered honestly.

"Oh. Well, welcome to your new home," Shigaraki pronounced, holding his hand out, but Katsuki just stared. "Haha, smart, you know my quirk. Five fingers on you, and you'll die. Cool, huh?"

No, no it was not cool.

"What the fuck do you want from me?"

"Well, we wanted you to join us, but that seems highly unlikely. So, Sensei says I can do what I want with you, so... I decided you can be my little plaything,"

"Your what?!" Bakugo yelled, confused but also slightly aware, "You mean, you- you're disgusting. You're not saying- No."

"Yes, yes, you know what I mean. I want you, sexually. A human pet. I wanted you since I saw you in the sports festival. So much rage and anger for me to crush. I want to watch you lose your will to fight, make you an obedient little bitch."

Bakugo's heart had either stopped or was going 300x too fast, he could not tell. God, someone, come save him.

"You fucking psychopath-" He stuttered, his voice breaking, tears threatening to spill. He could not lose his virginity to a villain, especially not this one.

Shigaraki laughed, "Yes, that may be true, but no matter, you are now mine,"

Bakugo refused to believe that. It wasn't true and he would not believe it. 

"I shall be keeping you in this room, for now, eventually you may sleep in my room. Because I am so, so kind, I'll allow you to keep the light on. Under one condition. You have to ask nicely. Add a pretty please. For example, you can say, 'Pretty please master, keep the light on.' Sound good?"

Bakugo snarled. The thought of saying such humiliating things disgusted him. His lip trembled, knowing he'd lose his mind if he stayed in the dark for a minute longer. He took a deep breath and decided it was the only way.

"P-p-" He started nervously, his voice low, "P-pretty p-please, keep the light o-on," He sighed, relieved once done. 

"No, no, you forgot to address me correctly, do it again,"

Bakugo froze and quickly shook his head, he would not call a villain 'master.' He just wouldn't. But as Shigaraki shrugged and turned to the door, he panicked.

"Pretty please m-master keep the light on!" He called out, causing Shigaraki to freeze. When he turned around, a smile was spread across his skin-broken face.

"Good boy~" He cooed, making Bakugo's stomach twist in revulsion. The taller man was disgusting to him in every way. Before he left, he tossed a granola bar and a water bottle from his pocket onto the cot. 

The light stayed on as he left, and Katsuki was relieved. 

Due to the new and useful light, Katsuki was able to drink half of the water without spilling. He left the other half for if they decided not to give him more later. He hated being left alone in silence. He enjoyed alone time, but often spent his time practicing with his quirk or listening to loud music. He couldn't do either of those, so he ended up feeling awkward, as if someone else was in there and he was nervous to say anything.

For once, he was craving Dunce Face's annoying chatter, or Shitty Hair's 'bro monologue.' But most of all, he missed Deku's caring smile. The way he would talk and talk about heroes and end up mumbling his observations. Everyday he regret the way he treated him in middle school. They had eventually made up, and spent time together that Katsuki (who wouldn't admit it), actually enjoyed. 

Now, he was unsure if he would ever see his friends again. Hell, he'd even take Mineta at this point.


Heroes would find the hideout soon, he assured himself, because he refused, absolutely refused to become this crusty hand-man's 'plaything.' Yes, he was definitely not the straightest line in the world, but he was definitely not a bottom. Especially not for a villain.

Hell, he was Bakugo Fucking Katsuki, he was a top, no doubt. Never in his life had he really considered bottoming. He had tried anal-play one time, and after two fingers, he was done. It burned and he couldn't feel any pleasure. Instead, he found himself more into topping, (in his dreams of course) and all of his fantasies included  ̶a̶ ̶f̶r̶e̶c̶k̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶o̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶d̶a̶r̶k̶ ̶g̶r̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶h̶a̶i̶r̶ swallowing his dick, or bouncing on it.

Deep inside he feared that the villain would have his way with him, but his mind assured him the heroes would come and rescue him. 


"Where is he!?" He cried out to the detective, who had the boy in for questioning. 

"Midoriya, we are unsure of Bakugo's location at the moment, but I assure you, we are working as hard as we can side by side with the heroes to find him," Tsukauchi explained calmly. How could he be calm!? Kacchan was missing and who knows what the villains were doing to him!?

Tears stained his cheeks, and continued flowing, his hands fidgeting as he recounted the terrified look on Kacchan's face as he was pulled into the portal. Kacchan was never scared, but Deku clearly saw a lip tremble and-

He let out another sob, his body ached. Recovery girl had healed him, causing him to pass out, only to wake hours later to be reminded of what had happened to his classmate, friend, childhood friend, and foe, and, although he wasn't sure, crush?

No matter, Kacchan was missing, and he would have to find him. Even if he had to do it alone.

He clutched a tissue to his chest before standing up and leaving the room after a quick goodbye. The detective understood, having all the information from Izuku that was needed. 

Izuku walked to the dorms, seeing all of his classmates in the living area, some with tears, others comforting the tears with solemn faces. Everyone looked up to see Izuku, who stared momentarily.

Why did children have to go through such things?

"Deku-Kun, would you like to talk about anything? Maybe just sit?" Ochako asked kindly, but calmly. 

Izuku just nodded, making his way to a chair that he had decorated with an All Might pillow. 

"Why him?" Kirishima asked abruptly. 

Everyone stayed silent before Todoroki spoke up.

"The sports festival, I believe. He showed aggression, a notable trait for a villain,"

Silence again.

It was broken by Izuku laughing. 

"Aggression, huh? He never thought someone would take interest in him because of his aggression but here we are!" The laugh turned into a sob. 

"Oh, Izuku, they will find him, I assure you. We just have to be patient. Bakugo is stubborn, we all know that he won't give in to them." Yaoyorozu said softly.

Maybe Katsuki should give in, Izuku thought, if they're torturing him, it would put a stop to it.

"Goodnight guys," He said before leaving.

Poor, poor, Kacchan

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