I look up to see some creepy guy looking at us and my breath hitches, causing Stiles to look where I was looking and gasp slightly, he motions for Scott to get up which he does. I hide my body behind Stiles as the guy starts walking towards us angrily.

"What are you doing here"

We all just stay silent and stare.

"This is private property"

I frown.

"It's the reserve, this can be used by anyone" I state, which causes the guy to glare at me with hateful eyes and I hide myself more behind Stiles.

"S-Sorry man we didn't know" Stiles says.

"We were just looking for something but forget it" Scott says.

The guy just looks at us blankly.

"Don't you know it's sort of rude to stare?" I whisper but he looks at me.

"If you're going to say something say it louder"

What the hell how did he hear that.

He throws Scott his inhaler then starts walking away.

"Well I've got to get to work" Scott says but Stiles stops him.

"Dude that was Derek Hale, you remember he is only like a few years older than us." Stiles says and my eyes widen.

"His family burned to death in a fire like 10 years ago?" I question him.

"I wonder what he is doing back" Scott says wondering.

"Let's go" Stiles says dragging me back to his jeep.

The next day after all my classes are finished, I walk towards the practice field in my black leather combat boots, black shirt dress that stops just before my knees and my hair straight hair blowing behind me in the wind, with my red lipstick showing off my pale face. I set down my folder and bag and sit next to Stiles who is watching Scott.

Outfit- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=153989962

"How's it going" I ask him.

"Well Scott just made first line, come on we need to get back mine and help me look up more about lycanthropy" Stiles says in a rush and I'm dragged to his jeep. We drive to his house and as soon as we arrive he drags me to his room and jumps onto his computer looking up more about lycanthropy.

"Seriously Stiles, you think he is a werewolf?" I ask him confused, sitting on his bed.

"You didn't see how well he was playing Clara, he was amazing, too good to be honest" Stiles says typing away and looking through books and throwing me a book to read.

Suddenly the bedroom door knocks and Stiles and I jump up. Stiles opens the door and its Scott smiling at us.

"Get in here" Stiles says and Scott walks into the room.

"We have been up all night reading websites, books" Stiles states while running around his bedroom causing me to sigh and yawn.

"How much Adderall you have today?" Scott asks Stiles.

"A lot" I state standing up and fixing my dress.

"Doesn't matter" Stiles says spinning around on his chair.

"Is this about the dead body? Did they find anything?" Scott asks sitting down where I was lying down moments before.

"No they are still questioning people, even Derek Hale" Stiles says holding papers in his hands.

Child Of Fire ➵ Stilinski {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now