Chapter 11: Saving The Other Widows

Start from the beginning

She steps towards the cell.

Natasha: Antonia.

Taskmaster goes to punch the glass.

Natasha: No!

Mum talks to her for a moment then open up the cell.

She and I start to back up as Taskmaster comes towards us. But before she can attack us we all get knocked as the Red Room is being torn apart.

Mum and I slide down as the floor beaks apart.

Once we get to the edge mum catches herself with the axes that she has and I stick to the edge.

Y/N: Man! I am so glad I can stick to things!

As we look back we see Dreykov getting put on a jet so he can get away.

The part of the structure were hanging to drifts towards the landing platform, so mum and I drop down and roll as we land on the platform.

We then see Yelena is about to use her staff to blow up one of the jet's engines.

Natasha: Yelena!!

Y/N: Yelena, don't do it!!

Yelena: This was fun!

Natasha: No!

Before we could get over there to stop her aunt Yelena blows up the engine and gets knocked back and sent over the side.

Y/N: No!

We both rush forward, mum grabs a parachute for Yelena.

She and I then jump and dive off the side of the Red Room and go into a free fall.

(A/N: Just imagine Y/N is jumping with Natasha

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(A/N: Just imagine Y/N is jumping with Natasha.)

As we're falling and getting closer to Yelena I look back and see that Taskmaster is falling too and is about to catch up with us.

I look over to mum.

Y/N: You get Yelena! I'll deal with Taskmaster!

Mum looks back, then looks at me and nods.

She dives down quicker to catch up with aunt Yelena.

I spin myself around and see Taskmaster is getting closer to me.

I then chase myself on some falling debris and slide down it. Taskmaster also lands on it and slows herself down by using her sword.

Y/N: Come on, let's go!

Taskmaster comes at me and tackles me, we then start falling together.

(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the suit from the character bio instead of Natasha

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(A/N: Just imagine it's Y/N in the suit from the character bio instead of Natasha.)

As we're trying to fight each other Taskmaster grabs me and throws me away.

The next thing I know I black out after hitting something hard.

(Five minutes later)

As I start to come to I hear mum's voice.

Natasha: Come on Y/N. Wake up baby boy. Wake up.

I open my eyes and see mum look down at me. I also realise I don't have my mask on and that I'm laying on the ground.

Y/N: Mum?

She smiles.

Natasha: Yeah. It's me baby. It's mama.

I smile and I sit up.

As I face mum she grabs my hand and looks at it.

Natasha: How'd this happen?

I look down at the cut on my palm.

Y/N: It must have happened during the fall.

Natasha: Does it hurt?

Y/N: A little.

Mum then leans down and kisses my cut and blows on it, just like when I was little.

She looks at me and smiles.

We then hug.

Natasha: (Whispers) I thought I was gonna lose you baby. Dreykov was gonna turn you into the Winter Spider. I thought you were gonna be gone before I could get to you.

Y/N: (Whispers) I'm still here mum. I'm still here.

Natasha: (Whispers) I love you baby boy.

Y/N: (Whispers) I love you too.

After that she and I get up and join Yelena, Alexei and Melina.

Natasha: Everybody good?

Melina: I am clearly injured.

I look at Alexei.

Y/N: You wanna say something?

Alexei: No. I'd just mess it up.

I chuckle at this.

After hugging aunt Yelena I turn to see cars coming towards us.

Y/N: Well, here comes the cavalry.

Melina: So, what's our plan?

Mum and I step forward.

Natasha: You guys go. Y/N and I will stay.

Alexei: That's insanity. We fight, we fight with both of you.

Y/N: Mum's right. We'll hold them off.

They try to argue but we wave them off.

Natasha: You guys just go.

Melina: Oh my god.

Y/N: You know, it's weird. I thought mum was the only family I had. But I have grandparents and an aunt. They are dysfunctional as hell. But still good.

They all smile at this.

Natasha: Well, if it can work out with the five of us maybe there's some hope for the Avengers.

Y/N: Yeah, maybe a little.

Aunt Yelena starts taking off her vest.

Yelena: Okay, well if you're both leaving then I guess you should have this. I know how much you like it.

She then hands the vest to mum.

Natasha: Yeah, it has alot of pockets.

Yelena: Very handy pockets.

Mum hands Yelena the thumb drive so she can help the other widow's around the world.

After that aunt Yelena and puts her hands on my cheeks and pull me down and kisses my forehead.

Yelena: Будь осторожен, мой милый племянник. Я люблю вас.(Translation: Be safe my sweet nephew. I love you.)

Y/N: Я тоже тебя люблю, тетя Елена.(Translation: I love you too aunt Yelena)

After saying goodbye by to Alexei and Melina the three of them leave with the other freed widow's.

Mum and Yelena whistle to each other. It was the same way mum tune mum taught. She wanted me to use it if she and I ever got separated. Then she could find me.

Mum and I look off into the distance and see that Ross and his men are getting closer.

Y/N: Have you got a plan?

Natasha: No, have you?

Y/N: Nope. Looks like we're winging it.

Natasha: Just follow my lead.

Black Widow X Scarlet Spider Male Reader X Son of Black Widow & Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now