Chapter 1

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(on Friday, lost track of time so a day late)

The chill has seeped into my body for so long now that I'm never fully conscious. It's as if I'm not fully in my body, like my soul is tilted slightly making my body wonky and not mine. I feel the truck stopping before there's hands on me, lifting up my mostly limp form. "What's wrong with this kid? Tired?" Came from the one holding me. "Must be. Just put him in cell 7, he'll wake up soon." The person holding me started treading along, only stopping once for seemingly the door as it became very bright after in comparison to the light from the early sunrise. We only stopped once more before he was tossing me onto a hard floor. A big door shut before I heard a noise from my right, laying on my stomach my eyes shut and shivering.

"Boo? Is that you?" A voice with an odd accent asked. Another voice a bit away. "No, I just woke up to that sound just like you." A monotone voice. I heard some shuffling before a hand touched my shoulder. I let out a groan, uncomfortable on the floor and freezing. A gasp before the first voice came back. "There's a kid in here!" He exclaimed. "Really? What type of hybrid do you reckon they are?" The monotone one asked. There was a gasp before I was pulled into someone's arms. I sank into the warmth of their body. "They're a zombie piglin! They're just in some overalls and a shirt, they must be freezing." The other person came closer and wrapped his arms around me too, keeping in warmth. "They must have come straight from the nether to that truck. That truck is just warm enough to ward off shivers on a good day, not nearly the smoldering heat netherborns need to not get sick." A big coat wrapped around my body and I sighed in relief, still chilled but feeling back in my body.

I slowly open my eyes and see a boy with bangs covering his eyes and small horns peeping out of his hair. "Boo, their eyes are open now. We did good?" A figure off to the side, half black half white chuckled before nodding. "Yes we did." I sit up before hands push me back into the horned one's torso. "I wouldn't recommend doing that yet." He said. "Unless the warden gives you stuff to stay warm enough that you won't be shivering you've gotta stay here. We can still talk if you'd like. I'm Toby but you can call me Tubbo." The other figure nodded. "And I'm Ranboo, you can call me either that or Boo." I nod. "I'm Michael." Tubbo cracks a grin. "Finally a name to the little boy. Do you know where you are?" I shake my head and burrow further into his shirt.

"Well Michael." Boo started. "We're in a big building in the overworld with lots of hybrids. Hybrids are people with parents of 2 different mobs. Tubbo here's dad was a ram hybrid himself and his mom is human. My dad's an enderman and I don't remember what my mom is. What are your parents? You don't seem like a hybrid." I just look down. "My mom's a piglin and my dad's a zombie piglin. They say you can tell I'm not a full zombie piglin from only having part of my face zombified." I brush my pink hair from my eye, showing the greenish tinted pale skin and pure black eyes. Those and the silver bit of hair are the only signs.

"Well being in the nether is usually a safe bet. Boo was safe in the end until he went to try and find his mother." Tubbo stated. I just shrugged. "They didn't pick me up from the nether. Mom and dad took me to the portal and dad took me to the overworld. Those guys came to us and dad gave me to them before going back through the portal." They gave me a strange look before giving a grin. "Well Michael. Let's hope that the warden can give us some coats for you so you can move around and see the little we have." Tubbo said. I whine and look at Boo. "Will they give me toys too?" I ask. Boo tilts his head, his tail stopping waving behind him. "How old are you?" I think for a minute. "6 as a month or 2 ago , I think. Why?" He just shakes his head before giving me a grin. "If he doesn't give you toys we'll play with you all we can. How about that?" I smile and nod.

"Yeah that'd be really fun. So we just stay here like another home?" Tubbo sighs. "Not exactly. There's a schedule here and a bunch of other hybrids. We have meals, experimentation, recreation and cell time. Right now we're in cell time, next we'll have breakfast." I look up at Tubbo. "So when do we go back home?" Boo lets out a cough before rubbing his hand on my back. "Maybe one day in the future. Let's just say that for now." I nod and stay against Tubbo, trying to stay as warm as possible but the shivers stay just further apart. Boo rubs my back every time I get frustrated at the cold. The doors open and a green light goes on above the door, replacing a red one that I noticed glancing around the room earlier. Someone in a black mask covering their nose down and black clothing with a gun in a holder walks through the door.

"Up and at em'." Is all he says. Boo nods and gets up. I know since he's in just a t-shirt his hoodie is on me. But he reassured me in passing that since he's from the end he doesn't get cold easily. Tubbo gets up, me still up against his chest, his hands on my back and under my bum. They walk past the man and wait as he closes the door and the light turns yellow outside the room. The man walks past us and they follow him down the halls. Only now that they're standing at full height do I realize how tall Boo is and that Tubbo seems fairly short.

We make it to what looks like a cafeteria with more people in it, still it seems like I'm one of the youngest at first glance. Tubbo and Boo take me to a table on the left side with 5 other people at it. There's a boy with curly blonde hair, a man in a bucket hat, a man in a beanie, a child spider hybrid and a man in a pig mask and wearing gold. I reach out for the last man as the conversation halts at the table. Boo turned to Tubbo. "Techo is half piglin so he runs at a higher body temperature. I'd say let Techno hold him if he wants to." Tubbo nods. "Techno, we can do introductions in a second but would you mind holding him? He was taken right after leaving the nether so we can't get him to stop shivering." The man immediately nods and holds out his arms, his fluffy cape flowing away from his arms in the process. His gold bracelets glimmer in the light.

"Of course, he doesn't look to have any human in him so he must be freezing. I know I was cold before my clothing request went through so I can only imagine." I was quickly passed to Techno and relaxed into his warmth. He took off a bracelet and let me fiddle with it, my attention immediately being redirected. Tubbo sighed in relief. "Thanks Techno. We've been trying to keep him warm all morning, even minimally touching Ranboo because of his lower temperature." Techno readjusted me. "It's no problem. But we need to get a clothing request as soon as possible. What type of hybrid is he?" Tubbo sat next to Techno and me and Boo sat next to him. "Ok, time for introductions. Boo can you get us 3 food?" Boo nodded and got up to go in a queue. "So the one you're sitting on is Technoblade but we call him Techno. He's a piglin human hybrid." He motioned to the one in the bucket hat. "That's Philza Minecraft, he goes by Phil. He's an elytrian, a human bird hybrid." He moved a wing so I could see it under his cloak and I giggled.

Tubbo motioned to the one in the beanie. "That's Wilbur. He's a phantom human hybrid." Wilbur tugged on a collar on his neck. "That's why I have to wear this. They don't want me phasing through the walls." Then Tubbo motioned to the last 2. "Then this is Tommy and Shroud. Shroud is a bit older than you and is a spider human hybrid. Then Tommy is an avian, a hybrid of an elytrian and human. He doesn't have wings but is faster and lighter. And is bound to veganism." Tubbo laughs as Tommy stands up. "Oy fuck off!" I laugh now and he grumbles and sits back down. "Now that you're not shivering anymore do you wanna introduce yourself?" Tubbo asks. I didn't notice it before but I do now, I'm not shivering anymore but am still not warm.

I nod at Tubbo. "I'm Michael. My mom is a piglin and my dad's a zombie piglin." Techno rubs my back. "Toby, how about during recreation I take Michael again to keep him from shivering while you fill out a clothing request? Since he's a hybrid of 2 types of piglins you'll want winter stuff." Tubbo nods. "But what about toys?"Techno shakes his head. "Shroud has some because he had good behaviour for a while during tests. You need to wait until he gets his first object request." Tubbo nods, a bit glum. Then Boo comes back with 3 plates and bottles.

I reach out for Tubbo and Boo, sorta like parents, wanting to eat with them. But Techno pulls me back against him. "You need to stay here to eat until you can get jackets." I shake my head as tears build in my eyes. "I don't wanna. If I can't eat with mom and dad here then I wanna eat with Tubbo and Boo." They gave me sad looks before Tubbo ruffled my hair and Boo smiled at me. "We'll be right here. And as soon as you get the clothes you need you can sit between or on us and eat." I wipe my eyes sadly and nod. "But when will mom and dad pick me up? I guess only dad can go in the overworld though, so when will he pick me up?" Tubbo just shakes his head and pats my head. "Let's not think about that for now. While you're here don't think of them, here me and Boo can be like your temporary dads!" Boo opened his mouth to say something before Tubbo elbowed him. I giggled.

"Ok dad."

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