Truth or Dare (Hedric & Drymmone)

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*If your confused on how their sitting look at the media box warning minor - cho bashing and not everyone will have a turn*

*Ships: Drymmone, Hedric)

~ Room of Requirement ~

Hermione : Hello everyone 

Harry: Hi mione 

Ron: Hi mione ♥️

Hermione: (Looks around) Where are Lily and Blaise 

Fred ; Guess Lilkins forgot as for Zabini I don't know 

*Both Blaise and Lily enter the ROR*

Draco:  Looks like they came as we spoke Weasel 

Cedric: Draco mind that Attitude others wise bye house points and hello detention curtesy of either Lily, Ron or Hermione 

Lily: You really know who to give treat huh Ced *sits between Cedric and Harry* 

Blaise: *Chuckles and sits between Draco and Pansy*

Cedric: Now remind me dear best friend of mine how are you and harry are twins 

Lily/Harry: Our Parents, eyes and last names 

Hermione: True you both have green eyes 

Cho: Now Ced remind me why did you break up with me 1.5 ago 

Lily: *wispers to harry* she's not over it 

Harry: *wispers back* guess not 

Cedric:  For 5th and last time Cho I like someone else and only one person knows who I like that's why I broke up with you 

Cho: It's not like you I'm your best friend someone must have smuggled you a love potion 

Cedric: Ok last time I checked Lily is my best friend and so is Symmone 

Cho: You like Lily she must have smuggled you a love potion 

Cedric: I-uh

Lily: Oh for the sake of Merlin I will never in my life give someone a love potion especially not Cedric he is my best friend and we will never be anything more then friends and besides I like someone else and so does Cedric and besides you argue with me in the corridor every single day because what I'm Cedric's best friend and he broke up with you for someone else now if none of you don't mind I'll be in my room trying to forget the fact that Cho exists. *Gets up leaves for the Hufflepuff common room*

Harry: You what ? You have been after my twin for the last one and a half  weeks or in Cedric case best friend 

Cedric: Now remind me why I even dated you for what 3-ish years 

Cho: But every girl should have a girl best friend 

Ginny: Well if that's true how come I'm friends with harry and neville 

Hermione: Or how I'm friends with Cedric, Draco , Neville and Harry 

Cho: I-I

Harry: Who is the one stuttering now 

Ginny , Cedric ,Harry: Out !

Cho: This won't be the last you all will see alright I'm pretty sure Lily had imperious you all 

Hermione:  Lily isn't that heartless to do that *Cho leaves*

Cedric: *sighs* I'll go get Lily she's probably near the black lake or her room so see you all in a bit *gets up and leaves*

Ginny: It's so could with her gone 

Neville: Agreed 

Luna: I never liked Cho she used to bully me until the year tournament happened that's when Lily and Professor Flitwick stepped in. 

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