+loyalty above all else
+very thorough whenever he thinks about something
+trusting (but not too trusting, he has common sense and won't stick around if someone seems like a bad person)
+determined. He isn't quick to give up
+he isn't much of a romantic but he's very affectionate and will stick to the person he likes
+honest, easily gives his opinion (though he can be a bit emotionally tone-deaf sometimes)
+good listener
+can be a workaholic
+mostly confident

Fatal Flaws:
+Shay is basically an emotional storage unit for others. Everyone vents to him but when he has a problem he doesn't really vent to anyone else, he keeps to himself
+he's often hard to understand because he doesn't wear his emotions on the surface. If he's angry at someone he tends to avoid them rather than go to talk out the problem

+deep open ocean

+not all that creative but enjoys things like art and music
+going for walks/jogs in the morning
+staying active
+cooking healthy meals
+he really likes cake (doesn't really have a favorite) but tries not to indulge in it too often
+spending time with friends and family
+being warm and cozy
+sun rises
+taking pictures of moments that he wants to remember
+cool cloudy days

+going clubbing
+boats, he absolutely will not go on them
+closed spaces
+fruity scents
+he has a social media account but he doesn't particularly like having to maintain (it's also more for work)
+being wasteful
+he's a little clumsy when it comes to dancing.

+remembering important things people have told him
+being athletic
+played multiple sports in highschool and still sometimes plays them when he goes out with friends (basketball, soccer, and a little bit of volleyball)
+being adaptive

Turn ons:
Shay is a soft top and he also leans more towards the submissive side. He wants a ~master~
+wearing a collar (only in the bedroom)
+a bit of degrading
+blowjobs (giving)
+being tied up
+being teased
+hickeys (giving and receiving)
+receiving commands
+light pain
+using toys (on his partner)

(I think Shay might be my most kinky character yet. Love that for him XD)

Turn offs:
+A partner who is also submissive wouldn't exactly be ideal since he prefers to take that stance.


Any addictions?:

Not really, he's more of a social drinker


Personal Trainer

Favorite pastime/ hobby:
+he likes to discover new recipes for cooking
+taking walks in the park


Family members:
Adoptive Father (Alpha): Blane Williams

Adoptive Father (Omega): Ezra Williams

Relationship History:
Kaylem: dated for 2 years
Jameson: dated for 5 years


Any other important individuals:
Ronny: friend
Declan: friend and coworker
Kate: friend
Nate: friend
Emily: a cousin who is more like a sister to him. They pretty much grew up together

Background story:
When the world first evolved alphas and omegas, it was difficult and it wasn't a fair balance. Alphas were always bigger individuals who were able to easily glide their way to the top while omegas would be smaller in stature- they would experience endless struggles.. not to mention having to deal with heat suppressors that didn't really work, and alphas who weren't respectful of them. Things are different now. After many many years, the world is a lot more accommodating. Omegas and Alphas are now on more equal footing.

People are no longer able to tell who is an alpha or who is an omega based on looks alone (though scent is still a detail) omegas are able to become company heads, and have alphas who work underneath of them. Also, the thing that has probably been the most helpful, heat suppressors have come leaps and bounds to protect omegas during their heat. Laws have also been put in place to punish those who take advantage of an omega who is in heat. If it is vice versa and an omega takes advantage of someone while on their heat, they are the ones who are punished.

This is the world that Shay was born into. He isn't judged for being an omega, he's just a person. Shay doesn't remember much from when he was young. He was in foster homes ever since he was really little, but he was adopted by Blane and Ezra at 5 years old. They became a little family incredibly quickly and were inseparable. He's still incredibly close with them, even as a young adult. Because of these strong family bonds, it's important to him to have a partner who gets along with his dads. He struggled a bit when he first started dating around. It was hard for him to find a partner who was able to satisfy his preferences- and he still hasn't found one. His previous relationships ended because of one reason or another. He's always had a passion for healthy living, he became a personal trainer so he could not only learn to live healthier himself, but also help other people do it.

♡|~Fantasy Capabilities: ~|♡

Species + Description:
Human male who falls under the category of omega

Any Extras:
He goes into heat a few times each month but he takes suppressors for it

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