1. Minchinbury, Australia

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Attorney Adam pov:
" In behalf of Mr. Mark John Campbell's, Im atty. Adam, I'll  have personally settled the necessary documents and here you signed all this documents regarding your divorce papers,it  will be dealt immediately and
"Gladly you'd finally got a chances to be with us now Mrs.Campbell, We'll be In touched again after we finalized all the necessary documents ,we're going to informed all about it,..."
" As Mr.Campbell's instructions and words about the terms and compensation of the said divorce documents, and have the court decisions,you will received the amounts of  money, town houses including this mansion ,your own  car and Insurances, all was  full given by your own name,...regarding the terms,he expecting your cooperations.. Ma'am?...anything would you like to have or some additional compensation,we would have to considered it and informed the other party.."
As I looked at the lady Infront of me,I felt compassion, grieves,sad, but I'm only here to do my jobs,aside from it...I can't do anything.....she looked at the papers infront of her...

Alice Springfield Campbell
A young fine woman at 23,stunning,simple gorgeous,a face of innocent with gray eyeball, so feminine and she handed over some envelopes and says:
" Atty.Adam I've been known that this time will be coming, I've been waiting for this moment and asked about my conditions or  demands...all I want is instructed on that pieces of papers , have asked to  considerately my decisions if ever,MJ could be known about it, I will be guaranteed to signed those documents willingly after my demands will be greatly appreciated.."
After I gave him the envelopes,I stand up and offer my hands for handshaking,the latter nodded.the other envelopes address to him.I am going to signed the divorce papers if MJ is going to meet me on our 2nd years wedding anniversary,have it celebrate with me and consumed our marriage.it was after 3 months from now....after that day I signed the divorce paper Infront of them,leaving all the compensation on the said documents and leave MJ..
I Alice Springfield Campbell,married to the number one listed Billionaire Mark John Campbell...an heir and sole successor of Campbell's Inc. , Campbell's Corp, Campbell Enterprises...he had to marry me in order to have all this company will be given to him...I'm his contract wife...we held our wedding here in Minchinbury Australia and leave me alone in his own mansion for almost a year now...I know he already  his love and happiness,it's  Sarah Gross,but he have to do this married to last at least a year...now it's all finished..I've known MJ since my parents died and his parents took me in,I found out they'll became my guardian.I was young then, didn't know what happened to my parents that time but I know I love MJ not as a sibling but in my heart and in my live he's all I want..but never we both didn't know that his parents make it for sure that everything is going well according to their plans.. they'll going to have MJ all the Campbell's business if he marry me,so it then happened...I love him with all my heart and I'm willing to do everything for his happiness...just only for a day I wanted to treasures it for the rest of my life..leaving him and never ever came back.
I already made my plans,after the day we spent,I signed the divorce paper,leave everything and went to Chicago,my mother origin birth place,have my own place to live,I also had my interview on line to the work I applied before...I finished my masteral degree in Architectural Engineer...but I became MJ  Campbell wife..I wish him to come home every night,every day as a normal  husband until the end of the year...he only went home just to pick me up for family of Campbell's gatherings..in his interviews, Media news or anything, they'll never saw me as his wife but only Sarah Gross as his well known Girlfriend.I know how much he love Sarah,wished I could be her,but Im not and never will be.
I asked Atty.Adam on the day after our Wedding anniversary to bring everything I needed to signed..he then leave and nodded...
Mark John Campbell, a young well known no.1 listed Billionaire all over the world,a good son to his parents that when the time they'll asked him to Marry their own adopted daughter he never  made no words about it because he knows that it's only for making the Campbell Businesses become for himself ,he has a Girlfriend name Sarah Gross,a cheerleader and university beauties,an international model and he loves her very much,he's going to proposed to her after his divorce finalized..Sarah is a woman he thinks can have the right to be his wife,a mother of his children,he loves her that  wherever her shows are,he is willing to do to be with her...just like now they're are in Paris,Sarah held their shows in a grand palace in Paris, MJ went there to surprise Sarah and the latter didn't know he came .. inspire of his attorney advice that he should be able to have a decently talked to Alice,MJ doesn't cared at all...
" What,what did you says atty.Adam?? She didn't signed?!! Why? Is there's something or anything she wanted? How much? Why you didn't gave her what's she's asking for!!... I wanted to proposed to Sarah but why on earth she make it hard to all of us!!.."
" My apologies Mr.Campbell,But Im afraid you should have listened to what demands she's asking for..as for your attorney, My advices is you should consider it and also it's make things easier, given some respects for her as still she is your legal wife ...hoping that Sarah could understand,it's the best for everyone.."
MJ pov:
" Kindly please helped me with that will you,can you?.. what else did she wanted!!?.."
Atty Adam pov:
"I'm afraid Sir' I can't helped you with that, she's only asking your time on the day of your wedding anniversary,spent it with her and consummated  your wedding, that's all she ever asked. After that we guarantee that she will comply with the agreement..."
MJ pov:
" Oh! Really !! I'm relieved!! That's all she wants?? And she will be gone in my life forever!!..."
Atty Adam pov:
I felt compassion and sadness for Ms.Alice, she is in so much pain since the day she married this man, this heartless, selfish, self centered man.. her loves never changed him to love her back...now it's seem like it was all she wants to do and end all this misery.
" Absolutely Yes Sir', that's what she asked for,it's 3 months from now...you have all the time for the rest of your life after that day..."
MJ pov:
" Thank you atty.Adam, I will be there,send my regards to your wife and I take my leave,Sarah is here..Goodbye!!.."
Atty Adam pov:
" Your welcome ,and goodbye!.."
Then I keep the envelopes address to me..the other envelopes is for MJ..it was sealed and Ms.Alice asked me to gave it to him after the court finalized all the documents of their divorced...I sighed..

MJ pov:
" Alice,Alice Springfield!! What it is that you want,still can't believe you're so clinging!!.. I told you before, I don't love you, that it's all for good to all of us if you cooperate,but now you still wanted me,ok...I will be there...I will be there to make an end to all of this between us.
You wanted to consummated your marriage,
,well that's not a problem for me..I will gladly have your time with me and giving you this as a last chances ,a last of everything to us,..
But I told you Alice Springfield this will be your last with me..."

That was I'm telling to myself after me and atty.Adam talked ...it's 3 months from now,I had a lot of times with Sarah and be happy with her...then I planned of having her as officially mine,I'm going to proposed to her the moment I have the court decisions about my marriage to Alice.
Making my life completely and build my own family with the woman I love the most.

Then I think about Alice, how it all started,...

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