Chapter two

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August, 12, 2021
7:35 am

“God my life fucking sucks” I sighed deeply looking at myself in the bathroom mirror

I was wearing a black shirt with a smiling Starbucks mascot on the left side corner, and had a matching green Starbucks hat, and I was wearing my usual black sweatpants which was the only plus.

“Aw you look adorable” Jenn Lori gushed holding a camera

“Hey Jen” I said back scratching my hair which was a bad idea since I was immediately regretted because I was quickly slapped by Jen on the back of my neck

“Jen what the hell?” I asked her annoyed

“It’s your first day and I just took you to the barber, You will not waste my 90 dollars” Jenn told me

“Now smile” Jenn smiled and snapped a picture of me; The flash was so bright i started blinking hard and rubbed my eyes

“Aw it came out blurry” Jenn sighed

“Yeah so does my eyes” I told her and rubbed my eyes harder

Malcolm and Tagoe walked up to us wearing the same shirt and hats, And I smiled slightly seeing them both pissed about this as much as I am.

“Aww you all look so adorable” Jenn smiled and hugged them both

“Thanks” They both said defeated as she pulled away and snapped a picture of them which made thier eyes hurt much like mines

“Hello boys, Ready for your first day of work?” Francis asked us dressed up like it's his first day at work

“No not really”Malcolm answered blinking fast to get his sight back

“Too bad we made a deal boys” Francis reminded us

“Of course how could we forget” I told him annoyed

When we moved in with Jenn Lori and Francis; Francis made it clear that we were always welcome at his home; however when we turned 18 we had to make a choice between college or getting a job.

None of us had plans of going to school anymore than we needed too so we all talked to see what job would hire all three of us; and Starbucks was the closest and had three available spots.

“Relax I wouldn’t pay you rent...unless you're still here when your 24 than you will pay rent” Francis told them and grabbed his car keys

“Now come on, I’ll drive you the first week but than you need to start taking the bus or something” Francis told us and walked out to his car

Malcolm and Tagoe rolled their eyes and walked out the door and I followed them.

Francis tends to sound like a dick and he is sometimes but it all come from a place of love he genuinely cares about and wants to make sure we do something great and not end up in jail like most adopted kids do.

We all got into the car and started driving. As we got closer to the college campus I started to have so many emotions.

We got out the car and walked to the Starbucks building and see a random man behind the counter crying.

“Why did you leave me? I love you so much” He whispered holding the phone close

“Um...Hello?” Francis asked confused

“Oh Hey, What can I get you guys?” He asked clearing his voice and standing straight up

“Nothing, Were Rufus, Malcolm, and Tagoe and were here to work” I answered

“Oh cool, I’m Victor the building Manger come to the came with me” Victor sighed and walked to the back

We hugged Francis goodbye and walked to the back to see ground coffee, different syrup flavorings, and a freezer for different types of milks and such.

He then showed us how to work everything, The problem was that he was doing a shit job showing us.

He was going through everything way too fast, skipped over pretty much everything important, and didn’t bother asking us any questions.

“Okay so good luck boys” Victor said and gave them 3 aprons and walked to the door

“Wait? What’s our jobs?” Tagoe asked

He sighed deeply like we were bothering him. Sorry, wanting to do our job correctly is such an inconvenience to you dick.

“You work in the back and restock and stuff” He said pointing to Malcolm

“You make the coffee” He said pointing to Tagoe

“And You work the cash register” He told me and walked out before we could ask any questions

“We should totally rob him” Tagoe suggest in a tone that was half joking and half serious

“He probably wouldn’t notice” Malcolm said and walked to the back while Tagoe tried to figure out how to use everything

And I tried opening the cash register, According to the sign because Victor didn’t bother telling us anything. We opened it in 10 minutes and I could already see a line of people forming outside.

So we had figure everything out quick...So great first day so far

Teenage dream (Collage AU)- First Meeting-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu