Chapter 2: Chains

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Hours had past and the outside of her tent was pitch black with her lantern being the only illuminating object in the forest. Her eyes become weary but despite her drowsiness, she planned on staying up just until she can find more information about the alien's blood.

"It's getting late Miss Jane, I think you should get some shut eye," Philip yawns, leaning back on his chair as he glimpses at Malin's work.

Malin sighs and slumps down on her chair, "Not right now, I still have to experiment the effects of the blood itself on living cells," she responds tiredly. "I think I might have discovered something 'magical' with this blood but I want to test it of course so I can be sure my hypothesis is correct,".

" Well I think you can figure all that out tomorrow Professor. We got a lot of work to do and I don't want to slack off," he explains to Malin, still keeping his friendly personality.

Looking at the samples, Malin concludes it was most likely for the best that she gets some sleep. She didn't want to risk ruining the experiment from her tiredness or getting the wrong data from calculations so she carefully places the samples back in the case and sets them down on her desk.

"You go right ahead, I'll follow shortly, let me just clean up around her," Malin tells Philip who leaves but not without a flirtatious grin across his face.

"Don't get lost on me ok babe," Philip says as he walks away into the darkness, on his way to his tent.

"Bye Phil," Malin giggles to herself, wiping down her table till it was clean.

As she grabbed a flashlight to find her way to the tent she was staying in, her focus is distracted by the sounds of heavy breathing from the alien in the cage and treads carefully to it.

Wrapping her fingers around the bars of the cage, she admires the beast with a soft gleam in her eyes. The excitement of seeing the alien again giving the same feeling as another Christmas. He looked peacefully asleep with his broad chest expanding with every breathe. His beautiful dreads that trailed down his back was eye candy to her and she sighed at his beauty.

But as she would get up to leave, she is shocked to see the beast open its eyes and stare at her, letting out small clicking noises before it jumps up and growls at her.

Jane skips back as the alien then lets out a deafening roar, flaring its mandibles and revealing his sharp teeth at her.

"It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you," Malin tries calming down the alien. "I'm just hear to take a look at you and that's all," she adds, putting her hands up, trying to show him her hands were clean and did not have anything that could harm him.

The beast lets out another roar and begins pulling on his chained wrists, not caring for the oomani-di's words but instead wanting to be free and hunt down the prey that did this to him and take back his armor so these oomans couldn't be used against their kind as well as regain his lost dignity.

For sure his mei-jadhi will never let him hear the end of this. Knowing he was under the hands of a ooman would only brush her ego as the dominant sain'ja of their bloodline.

He couldn't allow for him to be the laughing stock of his kind. He needed to choose violence.

Pulling on his restraints, the beast wraps the each chain around each other to cause friction and weaken the bonds with every turn.

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