"Sunset" CxR - Fluff(?)

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(Yes,Cashier x reader first.Dummy and player simps will be fed next :D )


Another fine evening in another boring day of work for the exhausted cashier sitting behind the counter.

The man rests his head on the counter,awaiting for the next customer.He sighs and observed the area around him.

There were shelves filled with snacks,a freezer for the ice cream except the ice cream turned to ice to the point its too hard and cold to eat,and a fridge filled with bloxy soda,witch brew, and more.

It all felt old and boring,he doesnt know how long he's been working in this damn store.It feels as if it was years ago.Ever since he became a cashier,he felt as if his days never changed.Same,old,repetitive,boring day.He was the only  worker in that store and has to work 24/7,he does get a break from time to time but its only for a few minutes or so.


Cashier snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sudden noise,it was his break.He got up,not knowing what to really do.He was thinking of smoking again but noticed the sunset from outside the window.

"Maybe i could go watch it.."
He thought to himself.
The cashier grabbed a bloxy cola and walked out the store.

The sunset...was beautiful.
Cashier stared at it in awe and couldnt resist himself from letting out a small,low "wow...."
Even though sunset happens every evening,he never really cared about it nor payed attention to it.He was more focused on his job.

He stared at it for a few minutes before climbing up onto the roof of the store to get a better view,using the trash bin to help him up a bit.He sat himself facing the sunset.

It was beautiful.
The most fabulous thing he has ever seen.
He couldnt explain how beautiful it was...

It gave him a feeling he has never felt before.
Was he...relaxed?
"Man,i should do this more often"
He opened he bloxy cola he brought along and took a sip from it.

The people who were walking on their way home below,thought cashier was crazy for sitting on a rooftop and not doing his job.Cashier though didnt care.He was enjoying himself.Gotta enjoy things while they last you know?

He took a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled,this will definitely be one of his favorite memories.

About to take another sip from the cola can,he heard the sound of a bell ringing.The cashier looked down to realize a customer has come in,"Urgh,must be that kid again."he groaned.

He always hated that same dumb red cap kid who wore their hat backwards.They stole from cashier once which is the reason why cashier dislikes them.Well....theres more other reasons but lets just move on then shall we?

Cashier opened the door and said his usual stuff
"Hi,welcome to a local convenience store.Open twenty-four hours.Place an item on that gray spot and talk to me to purchase."
He looked up,expecting to see the kid.He was instead greeted with someone else,someone he has never seen before.Yet for some reason...

"Oh,hello!Im new to the neighborhood and i just moved in not so far from this store.Since this was the nearest place to me i decided to check it out!"
The person grins and waves their hand to cashier.

"Oh..erm...hello...!Welcome."cashier said,slightly lowering his voice.
"Thank you!Do you mind if i look around for a bit?
"No problem."Cashier replied.
The person nodded and walked off to check out the stuff on the shelves.
Cashier in the meanwhile,walked towards his usual spot and took out his phone to distract himself.

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