𝟘𝟚 | important discussion

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Shouyou was curled up on Akaashi's lap in a deep sleep as the black-haired male rubbed at his ear in serenity. It felt nice having someone to keep him company in this large house. Normally, the staff was too busy with their jobs to really talk to him, so this was a nice change.

Bokuto, his boyfriend of two years, insisted that they buy a huge house with guards and a wall and all the stuff you would see in a movie. After much, much, debate, Akaashi gave in, if that wasn't already obvious.

Shouyou was an open book. Any questions Akaashi had were answered honestly and fully. Another thing he's learned is that Shouyou has a major case of ADHD. Easily distracted, full of energy or sudden drained of energy, hyper fixation on odd things- the works.

It didn't bother him in the slightest, though because his boyfriend was pretty much the same way.

Shouyou gripped at his pants sleeve, snuggling deeper between his legs. "Akaashi~! I'm home~!" Bokuto called out, tossing his gym bag on the loveseat and turning to the couch with a wide smile that fell upon sight of another male on top of his boyfriend.

"Oh, you're home early. Welcome back," the black-haired male greeted with a smile, gesturing Bokuto to come over and keep quiet. The taller, buff male walked over, staring intently at the back of Shouyou's head.

Akaashi gave Bokuto a moment to observe Shouyou's "added" features before speaking in a whisper. "This is Shouyou. He's the one who busted in today. Did you hear about it already?" Again, Akaashi held up a finger, assuring that Bokuto would stay quiet.

The male nodded, and Akaashi smiled softly. "I need to talk to you about this first, obviously, but I'm thinking about keeping him. What do you say?"

Grinning widely, Bokuto nodded, hollering in a whisper and pumping his fists. At all the movement, Shouyou's nose twitched, picking up the foreign smell of sweat and musk. He sat up with closed eyes, turning toward Bokuto, who had gotten on his knees, and sniffed at his shirt.

He nudged the taller male's head up with his nose, audibly sniffing as Bokuto pursed his lips, not sure what to do, as he looked at his boyfriend for advice. Akaashi shrugged, smiling.

Finally, Shouyou opened his eyes, immediately capturing bright, golden ones. He yelped, scooting back and closer to Akaashi while growling. 

His ears were up, hair just a bit fluffier than usual, and the baggy button-up of Bokuto's Akaashi had lent him was riding up, showing off his milky thighs.

Though Bokuto tried, he couldn't fight the blush creeping up onto his face. Shouyou had an arm out, protecting Akaashi even though he was obviously startled.

Bokuto laughed heartfully and reached out to Shouyou, only to pull back in shock when the ginger nearly bit his finger off. "Hands off! He's my owner!"

Akaashi bit his bottom lip to hold back the chuckle threatening to leave his mouth. Bokuto frowned. "No, I saw him first!" He was playing along with Shouyou's "threatening" aura.

"No, I did! He said he's taking care of me now, so you can't have him, owl!" Bokuto snorted, waving a hand to dismiss his laughter. "I'm not an animal. I claimed Akaashi fair and square. Way before you!"

Shouyou inhaled and growled, snuggling closer to the black-haired male. "Akaashi-San, who's this owl?! I thought you didn't have any other pets?!"

It almost came out as a whimper, and Akaashi couldn't help but to scratch behind Shouyou's ear, calming him down. "I don't. This is my boyfriend, Koutarou."

At this, Shouyou's ears fell, and his bugged eyes turned back to face the male. He quickly apologized, tucking his nose into the couch cushion and bowing. Ruffling up the ginger's soft hair, Bokuto grinned widely. 

"It's no big deal! I appreciate you trying to protect Akaashi! I think I'd be fun to keep you around!" Smiling, Shouyou's tail wagged happily as he leaped onto Bokuto and began licking up his face.

"Ahem." Shouyou turned to face Akaashi, leaping back onto the couch and into his lap so he could cover his face in slobber as well, but in the best, affectionate way possible.

Yeah, this was the start of something great, but they never expected to fall for a half-dog, nor what was about to happen a month from now.


"Shouyou~"Bokuto cooed, shaking the little ginger on top of his lap in an attempt to wake him up. Shouyou yawned and lifted his head from Bokuto's shoulder, looking around and seeing Akaashi walking in with some onigiri for lunch.

He sat the plates on the table in front of them, where Bokuto had already brought in their drinks, and sat them down. Shouyou thanked them, reaching over and snatching a sandwich off the plate. 

Holding it in his mouth, he sat back down on Bokuto's lap, holding it with his hands and biting into it. "We need to talk to you about something, Shouyou," Akaashi started, picking at the skin at his nails in anxiety.

Bokuto reached out and gently took his hand away from his other one, giving him a supportive grin.

"Well... After thinking about it for a while... Koutarou and I came to the realization that we, er..." Akaashi glanced at Bokuto, asking him to finish his sentence.

"We love you, Shouyou!" He exclaimed proudly, large chest puffing out. Shouyou's tail began wagging at the excitement in the taller male's tone. "I love you guys, too!" Responded the ginger, grinning widely and glancing from Bokuto to Akaashi, who had his lips pursed.

Tipping his head to the side, Shouyou turned around on Bokuto's lap, so that his back was facing the large male, and leaned down to Akaashi, who was sitting on the floor in front of them.

His nose, which was slightly damp and red at the tip of it, nuzzled into the black-haired male's neck, lifting his head. Shouyou licked up his thin neck continuously.

Meanwhile, Bokuto's hand itched to grip at Shouyou's ass- or maybe his fluffy tail- something because, my God, it was all right in front of him for the taking.

Fuck it all.

His large hand was placed on the ginger's ass, groping it and causing his small body to freeze. Akaashi watched Shouyou's eyes widen, his ears drooping some and his cheeks flushing.

Gunmetal blue eyes drifted to Bokuto's hand, and he sent a glare to Bokuto, though he couldn't blame him for his actions. The taller male let go. Shouyou released a small whine.

"Shouyou, the way we love you is... more than what you're thinking. What we mean is... we want you to have a romantic relationship with us..."

Silence filled the living room as the ginger gripped a bit tighter onto Bokuto's knees, his body shivering lightly.

"Uh..." He nodded in understanding, arms giving out beneath him. Akaashi caught his upper half, feeling Shouyou's hot pants on his neck.

"I... I think... something's wrong..."


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