Secret Admirer

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Original chapter is located here ---

Eventually, Adam leaves.  I wonder what happened to my secret admirer, since they never showed.  I mean, Adam was there, but it can't possibly be him, we've been friends for years!  

Bitchy time skippy

"To my dearest O, 

There is a hint in this note.

Sincerely, S"

The note attached this morning is strange.  Why is it addressed to O?  That has to be a mistake, since I can't think of a single reason for someone to call me O. I carefully examine both sides, and look through the petals, but nothing.  Recalling something from a detective show, I light a candle, and hold the note over it.  No messages appear, and I go to move the note away from the flame, when it suddenly catches on fire.  Panicking, I drop the note into a nearby glass of water, successfully extinguishing it, but the ink immediately bleeds.  Well, crap.  Now I don't get to examine it more.  

Next day,  I'm lazy

I wake up when my phone goes off with a message from Adam.  

A:  I'm on my way, get your butt out of bed.  

J: wai what?  wen did w pln ths?

A: We didn't.  I'll be there in 5.

Crap!  I scramble to get dressed, and race down stairs.  Just as the doorbell rings, I fling it open.  Adam is standing there, roses in hand, looking slightly caught off guard. 

"Oh, it's just you.  I thought it would be my admirer, the doorbell always rings about now.  You didn't see anyone?"

"Oh, uh, no. Sorry." Damn, his voice is easy on the ears this early in the morning.  

"Thanks."  I panic.  Did I say that aloud?

"Yeah, you did."  Okay, I seriously need to be more careful.  But why did I even think that?  I brush the question off and step out of the doorway so Adam can enter.  

"Well, I've got the roses, they were just sitting on your step." 

"Oh thanks!" I reply. "Maybe you can help me figure out what the next note means.  I'd show you yesterdays, but I accidentally set it on fire."

Adam laughs as he hands me the roses, and I explain how it happened.   

"To my dearest oddball,

You really are oblivious.  I'm not a ghost, but I am from hell.

Sincerely, S"

Insulting me and claiming they're from hell?  My admirer doesn't seem very nice, although the notes previously have been so sweet.  Maybe oddball was what the O meant from yesterday, although I don't know how I could have known that.  Adam tries to help, but seems as clueless as I am.

Another time skip.  Adam and James just hung last time.

"My dearest odd1out,

I can't believe you caught a note on fire.  You're my favorite dork.

Sincerely, S.T.E.

Ps, this is the last note.  You can figure it out. I believe in you.  You have my address already"

How did they know about the fire?  Adam is the only person I told.  Wait.  Adam? It can't be.  I look at the handwriting on my note, but I can't tell if it belongs to him.  I hope so.  

ChoccyBiccy_uwu One-Shots, Continued [Jadam/SomeThingOdd]Where stories live. Discover now