Chapter 2: Deep Forest and the OtherPlanet

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(STRANGER wakes up in QuietSpace)

STRANGER: * highly strung * SUNNY!

Sunn: I see you woke up very nervous, you must rest

STRANGER: no, shut up, I need to talk to Sunny

Sunn: * ಠ◡ಠ * look for he, rather, find he

STRANGER: What do you mean by "find he"?

Sunn: while you were sleeping, he and your friends left

STRANGER: how did they disappear?

Sunn: I am limited to only following you, but note that while an invisible force led you to QuietSpace, that same force made your friends disappear

STRANGER: wait, are you my friend?

Sunn: ………


Sunn: that's right, best friends

STRANGER: why did you stay silent?

Sunn: I don't have to answer things you already know

STRANGER: I didn't know

Sunn: that's not my problem

STRANGER: Do you even have a physical body?

Sunn: maybe yes maybe not, I just know that now I'm just a voice in your head

STRANGER: Are you coming with me?

Sunn: I am linked to you, even if I did not want to, I would go with you

STRANGER: I'll take that as a yes

(STRANGER and Sunn go in search of their friends, and they start in the Deep Forest)

STRANGER: do you see what I see in the first, second, or third person?

Sunn: what do you mean?

STRANGER: if you see what my eyes see, if you see only my face, or do you see me from above me?

Sunn: oh mmm, third person

STRANGER: Okay, you look from above, I from below

Sunn: Ok i will do what i can

(They searched everywhere, they asked every living thing, but no one knew where their friends were)

Sunn: in the "Deep Forest" there is nothing

STRANGER: what do you suggest?

Sunn: Go to "OtherPlanet", they could have gone there

STRANGER: but there is a great height, Sunny does not like heights

Sunn: but there is a possibility, right?

STRANGER: yes, but it's too tall for me

Sunn: wait, how do you know that OtherPlanet is so high?

STRANGER: from here I can see the ladder that leads to a planet that has a big sign that says "OtherPlanet"

Sunn: ok

(STRANGER and Sunn go to OtherPlanet's stairs)


Sunn: don't be a crybaby, just go up, it's not that complicated, just don't look down

STRANGER: I'm paralyzed

Sunn: Are you forcing me to move?


Sunn: come on, you're a crybaby

(STRANGER receives a small electric shock)

STRANGER: aaah shit, how do you do it?

Sunn: maybe

STRANGER: Maybe what?

Sunn: maybe he'll shock you harder if you don't go up


(STRANGER goes upstairs, but his whole body trembles, he has a lot of vertigo at such a height)

(upon arriving at OtherPlanet, Basil sees Polly and her grandmother on a picnic)

STRANGER: Polly? Grandma?, What are you doing here?

Polly: we are on a picnic, because you were going with your friends

Basil's grandmother: dear, do you need anything?

STRANGER: yes, did you see my friends?

Polly and grandmother: no

STRANGER: even if you haven't seen them, thank you for your attention

(STRANGER retreats and continues searching, and meets ...)


Sunn: who is Pluto?

Pluto: that's right, I'm the great Pluto

STRANGER: Did you see my friends?

Pluto: I see a lot of people, so I don't know who your friends are

STRANGER: If I describe them, will you know if you saw them?

Pluto: that's right

STRANGER: there were 5, 3 boys and 2 girls

Pluto: * nodding * mmm

STRANGER: a tall girl and a short girl, but both with black hair, the short girl wore a bow in her hair

Pluto: * nods * mmm

STRANGER: a tall and disheveled boy, another shorter and with a bit long hair, and a super handsome and sexy boy

Pluto: hahahahahahahahahahaha, I see you like someone

STRANGER: * blushing * may be, but did you see my friends?

Pluto: I'll tell you if you beat me in a fight

STRANGER: but how?

Sunn: do you remember that I gave you an electric shock?

STRANGER: don't mock!

Sunn: it's not that, he said that if I can electrocute you, I can also make you stronger and more resistant


Sunn: I already did, now fight

(Pluto and STRANGER fought, STRANGER's strength was such that with one blow he knocked out Pluto)

Pluto: what power!

STRANGER: now tell me

Pluto: ok, I saw them going to the dump, but I didn't see them coming back, so I guess they're still there

STRANGER: thank you

(STRANGER and Sunn go to the dump to find their friends)

To be continued (。◕‿◕。)➜

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