Reuniting with the gang

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"Well your sense in style is certainly one to admire darling," Rarity complimented.

"That would be my doing."

The addition of another voice had the entire group turning to the side and saw none other than Daphne Blake descending the stairs from the upper floor. The resident fashionista of Mystery Inc. was garbed in an elegant purple dress with a purple fur coat to match.

Typical Daphne wearing everything purple.

Hey! It's a good color.

"Uh, excuse me Mr. Narrators," Pinkie spoke to the sky. "Not that I don't enjoy hearing your banter, but could you maybe hold off at least till the next scene?"

Ugh! Fine... but you owe us, Pinkie!

"Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie smiled.

The pink party pony looked around, seeing everyone else staring at her in confusion.


Everyone else decided it was far easier to not question Pinkie and just proceed with the conversation.

"Daphne darling!" Rarity greeted. "It's simply divine to see you again."

Daphne leaned down and the two fashionistas embraced in a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again too Rarity," Daphne replied. "And I also can't wait to see what your genius mind came up with your guys' outfits tonight."

"Oh darling, if there's one thing you should know about Madame Rarity is that you can always expect a smashing style."

Rainbow leaned over to whisper to Shining, Cadence, and Flurry.

"Not to mention an inflated ego."

This caused them all to chuckle quietly to themselves and Rarity snapped her head back with a glare toward her Pegasus friend. Daphne then went around giving hugs to everyone else in the group, as well before standing next to Fred. The sounds of footsteps alerted the group to yet another person entering the room, and everyone saw the genius behind Mystery Inc., Velma Dinkley. The spunky brainiac of the group wore a simple orange dress and heels.

She smiled immediately upon seeing the entire group.

"Oh my goodness!" She gasped. "It's so good to see all of you again."

She, much like Daphne, went around hugging everyone in welcome before standing back to smile at all of them.

"It feels like forever since we all stopped a rampaging horde of monsters from possessing human bodies on Spooky Island."

"Like don't remind us, man!"

That familiar voice was one everyone could recognize when they all turned toward another section of the main room to see none other than Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Doo, and Scrappy Doo entering the room. Shaggy was decked out in a brown suit and a green dress shirt, while Scooby and Scrappy both had what resembled dress collars over their regular collars.

"Reah, ro way!" Scooby shook his head.

"I for one don't need to relive the memory of being locked in a crate for weeks!" Scrappy added, shuddering. "They couldn't even add a bathroom..."

The moment Flurry's eyes landed on the familiar Great Dane, that's when her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. A huge smile spread its way across her face.

"Uncle Scooby!" She squealed.

Scooby Doo snapped his head in the direction of the voice, immediately smiling upon seeing the little filly.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora