{Chapter 2}

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It's been 3 years since me and Kakucho met and he is still by my side. I love that. We did things together. He even got himself in trouble because of me one time hehe😅. But i love that about him. He's really pretty also. His scar... Hes insecure about it... But for me anything that is in kakucho's appearance is beautiful i don't even know if im gaining feelings for him...

"Izana San!!"

Izana turns around and saw kakucho standing infront of him.


"Its time for a meeting. Lets go!"

Kakucho holds Izana's hand and started walking in the meeting room. When they went in they got welcomed by Rindou and Ran.

"So... Tell me are you sure your not dating cause i don't really see any different's from a couple😐. Right Rindou"

"Yea yea i don't really care but i agree on that."

Kakucho let's go of Izana's hand and scolds two of them.

{Timeskip after the meeting}

{Kakucho's POV}

Izana left the meeting room immediately after the meeting he's probably tired from all of the things we did today.

After an hour and Izana still didn't come out from his room. Its almost dinner time for Tenjiku.

I went to his room and was about to say it's time to eat but... I saw him peacefully sleeping in his bed.

I smiled at my self as i closed the door and started walking towards him.

I lean down to look closer at his beautiful face his tan skin, His white eyelashes. I admire everything about Izana. But im not sure if he likes me back. I started gaining feeling for him all these past 3 years we have been together.

My smile grew bigger as i look at him peacefully sleeping. I fix his blanket and cleaned his room. After i did everything i sit at his bed leaning down to kiss his forehead. I wasn't thinking straight i really wanted to do that...

"Sweet dreams... Izana."

The last thing i said before standing up and leaving the room.

{Izana's pov}

I open my eyes as kakucho was out of the room. I slowly turned red as i cover my face with a pillow

"Did he just kiss me in the forehead?!"

I thought. As i was screaming in my own thoughts.

I removed half of the blanket from my face.

"What are you doing to me... Kakucho.."

{Kakucho's POV}

Once i reached outside Izana's door i dropped on the floor and covered my face because of embarrassment. 


"Dinner is rea-" Ran who was walking in the hallway saw Kakucho red.

"Oooo~ something probably happend~"

Ran thought as he went closer to the black haired male

"Hey Kakucho do you want to eat"

Kakucho stands up from the floor still covering his face.

"No i lost appetite after kissing Izana..."

Ran's smirk turns wider

"I see~ I'll see ya'll tommorow then~ sweet dreams~"

Ran started running back to the dining room.

Kakucho ran to his bedroom and closes the door shut.

Happiness starts in the beginning but... Happiness doesn't always last forever...

Will this story be a happy ending for both of them...? Or will it be the nightmare that is waiting for them in the end.

The next part will be the part where it will start to get a little angsty hehe.

Total or words: 576

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