1 - Complicated Situations

Start from the beginning

"So, how's work?", his dad opened the conversation.

"Good, two big projects currently undergoing and got myself drowned in work but it's been good"


"How's the dairy shop?", War asked this time.

"Hmmm, great actually. The new product that you suggested last year took off right away on the first release day. I also got busier", his dad said.

"That's good, don't push yourself too hard dad"

Silence again. War coughed into his hand to release some of the tension. Things weren't usually like this with his dad. Well, until the past few years after War came out to his family. He was only 22, just barely starting his first job as a Junior Architect in an Architecture Consultant Office, but his parents already playing cupid and setting him up with multiple girls. Getting tired of that, War finally mustered the courage to tell his parents that no, he doesn't want love yet and he can't date girls.

Of course his parents opposed him, though his sister and little brother still support him, their family relationship still plummeted at the lowest for at least a year before his mom finally tried to contact him again. It took them another year to be on a talking term again but the trust that was lost was never regained back.

"War, how are you son?", his mom sat beside him after his little brother done with his suit.

"Good mae"

"That's great to hear. Ah, did you find the time to talk to Khun Mike? The one that mae told you about the other day?"

Also, the matchmaking effort never stopped. Now, his mom would try and set them up with different man and War would make excuses to reject every single one of them. He's not looking for love right now and frankly he doesn't have time for it as well but his mom is persistent. Though now, it's mostly his mom who does the matchmaking while his dad silently watch from the side. War got the feeling he still has a hard time accepting War.

"Mae, I don't have time for that, I barely managed to be here today", War said.

"But War, won't you be lonely without a partner?"

War understood that his mom meant good but it put War in a difficult and uncomfortable situation and no matter how many times War tried to make her understand she still wouldn't listen. On top of the tension that present after War came out to his family and this persistent matchmaking effort is what made War avoiding all family function.

"Mae, give him a break. He did say that he's drowned in projects right now", his sister said. War silently thanked her, that was the second time she had saved War that day.

"But, Ming.."

"Mae, rest assured, someone as attractive as my little brother here would definitely find someone", War's sister pinched Wars cheek while saying that.

War checked his time again while rubbing his sore cheeks and stood up.

"I have to head up to my next meeting, so see you na", War said.

"Yep, thank you for coming after all, War", his mom hugged him followed by his sister.

"I'll send you your plane tickets and itinerary next week", his sister said and War nodded.

Before he got up and leave, he didn't forget to wai to his father and the man nodded. Well, that's as good as War could get. He just wished someday his father would warm his heart for him again.


"Please put the paperwork on my desk by 12, this afternoon", Yin handed the file folder back to his assistant.

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