- One Man, One Woman -

Start from the beginning

His weight did not shift from leg to leg, nor did he fidget with his hands or chew his cheeks. He stood calmly and took every word she said with a nod. "Yes, I understand, but-"

"No buts, Medic, she's not going to like this. She wont understand like I do; you're a good guy, I think, a genius and a half at least! What do you think she will see? A mad man!" She made motions with her hands as she spoke, pen falling from her grasp while the clipboard remained safely in hand.

"She hired me."

"You're not listening to me!"

Medic sighed to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose and in turn also pushing his lopsided glasses upwards, "Don't tell her."

"What?" Miss Pauling looked utterly shocked, jaw dropped.

"I'm on the brink of something great and you can see it! Just give me more time to perfect it and I'm sure she'll understand." He believed every word he spoke, yet he did not believe in himself. He doubted his charisma would help him now.

"I can't just do that. I could lose my job-"

"I will lose my job."

"What? No you wont." They stared at each other in silence for a few moments, faces blank, before Pauling cracked, "Yeah, okay, you could lose your job, but you might not! Isn't that good enough for you?" Her right hand trailed down her opposite arm and her gaze followed a distant detail in the floor.

She sighed, bending over to pick up her pen and readjust her glasses. The job wasn't always easy. Of course, for the most part, it was. In fact, it was fun more often that not, but that didn't mean much now. She didn't know much about him besides the briefing from the administrator - 'That man is  a lunatic, Francine. I'm sure he'll get along just fine.' - and she agreed with it from what she'd seen, but that didn't mean she was void of empathy for the man. When she'd thought about it, they were doing the exact same thing; trying to survive. 

"Listen," she turned back to him and raised a hand to push the door open, "I'll see what I can do, okay?" She left him to his work without awaiting the gracious thank you she was sure was coming.  What a strange woman, Johann thought to himself, tidying a table.

Pauling was greeted by the rest of the mercenaries in the kitchen, "If that's all, I'm gonna head out, guys." Engie tipped his hardhat at her, "yessum, ma'am, you have a good one." 

Sniper turned from the fridge to send a thumbs up in her direction. Giving the room one last glance, paying no mind to Scout's staring, she tucked her clipboard close to her chest and turned to leave. It was a good visit, for the most part. Until Medic's lab, she'd been thoroughly impressed; they'd done exceptionally well this time. How unfortunate that their efforts could not be rewarded. If anything, at least, maybe Medic would be reprimanded in private. That man had meant no harm, she was-

"Wait," she turned to face Scout who had crossed the room, red faced, "Er- did we pass?"

A loud thud sounded from down the hall from deep within Medic's lab. Francine pushed her glasses up with the back of her pen and stared down at the clipboard in thought; of course they hadn't. She eyed the red markings on Medic's page briefly, "You know- yes. Yes, you all passed." She had no idea what commanded her to say such things, but she smiled at the team none the less. There was a sigh of relief around the room. They would hate her, she was sure.

Scout looked like he had more to say, but she had places to be. "Wait-!" She peeled his hand of her shoulder impatiently.

"I can't stay here forever, Scout. I have places to be."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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