“Aye,” MacDuff replied. “We understand you’re a Sinclair a good Scots name.”

            “Aye,” Cheyenne answered garnering another smile from the butler and some of the other staff. “My great-grandfather was from Scotland but my father never talked much about his family origins. I’m not even sure what part of Scotland they came from.”

            “Tis ashamed he should be,” MacDuff told her.

            “Aye,” was all Cheyenne said not wanting to think about her father at this happy time in her life.

            “Forgive me for keeping ye standing here in the cold,” MacDuff told her then proceeded to introduce her to Mrs. Greer, the housekeeper, Mrs. Duncan, the cook, the other female staff and male staff along with the gardeners and the grooms. Once the introductions to the staff were through, Tony escorted Cheyenne and Oliver into the castle.

            They walked into a huge entry with a stone floor. Banners and old weapons adorned the walls and a huge chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling. There were even two suits of armor placed on either side of the entry to the rest of the castle. MacDuff ordered several footmen to take their wraps before Tony took her arm and they entered what he told her was the Great Hall.

            “Oh, my.” Cheyenne was in awe of the massive room as she spun around taking in all there was to see. She felt the history as she saw the huge fireplace warming the room with its fire. If empty, she would be able to stand upright with room to spare and as wide as five people standing with their arms stretched end-to-end, touching only their fingertips to each other. The stonework above the mantle was magnificent with carvings of knights on great steeds. One half of the room held a huge dinning table that would seat at least twenty or more people and the other half was a sitting area.

            More banners, weapons and suits of armor decorated the room with several large outstanding tapestries hung about the tall walls. There were four more chandeliers hanging from the twenty-foot or more from the tall wooden ceilings that matched the one in the entry. “I could never have imagined anything like this room,” she told her husband.

            “I agree,” Oliver seconded. “This is amazing. All those years ago when we were in school and you invited me here for Christmas I should have come.”

            Tony chuckled at his wife’s and Oliver’s words and faces as he watched them take in their surroundings enjoying every minute of it.

            “We need to go over the changes you have planned,” she told Tony. “You cannot do anything that will change the character of this castle.”

            “We will look them over later,” he replied. “Most of the changes I had in mind were baths which the majority are finished according to MacDuff’s last communication and the kitchen area for Mrs. Duncan’s benefit. I thought about changing some of the furniture but we can decide on that later after your tour. Now let me take you to our suite while MacDuff shows Oliver his. Oliver we will join you later so please make yourself at home and MacDuff will see to all your needs.”

            “Including your brandy?” Oliver teased.

            “Including my brandy or the best Scotch whiskey you’ve ever tasted,” Tony replied smiling at he took Cheyenne’s hand in his and they left going toward the back of the great room then disappearing through a portal they climbed the stairs in the tower until they came to an arch leading off to a long hall. They walked until they came to a huge double doors opening in the inside wall entering a room with a bed the size Cheyenne had never seen before. It was probably twice the width and length of their large bed at Dryden House.

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