preschool lol

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Grogu Pov: 

                      It was my first day of preschool i was so nervous. But then again i couldn't wait to make new friends. I also couldn't wait to meet my new teacher. I had just finished breakfast when my mom came into the kitchen. She said good morning, and that she wanted to show me a picture of my new teacher. I was really excited to see the picture until i actually saw it, it was a picture of my bully's dad. It was the one and only Dhar Mann . The bully thought just because his dad was famous he could bully whom ever he liked. Aside from the fact that it was my bully's dad, i still thought it would be fun!

                       When i arrived at school I saw him. My bully. George. You might have thought George was wholesome because of his sister, Peppa, but no George was a complete bootyhole. At summer camp he would kick me and push me into the sand. HE EVEN KNOCKED OVER MY SAND CASTLE!!!! This is another reason why i don't like him. I tried to hide from him, but he sooner or later spotted me. "Hey!" he shouted, i tried to ignore him but he ran up to me. "hey loser i was talker to you", he said in an annoyed tone. "Leave me alone i don't wanna talk to you", i said trying to stay calm. "dude that was summer camp get over it" George said trying to be cool. I knew he was just being like this so that he could betray me like everyone else did. 

                      I never really had any friends that's why i was always excited to meet new people. Hoping that they would want to be my friend. Of course George wasn't like this, he like to fake being friends just to end up lying to them. "Well what you did in summer camp wasn't nice you were so mean." i replied to him. "Ugh i'm trying to be nice to you but you just have to be so mean" George said in an annoyed tone whilst rolling his eyes. Thank god the teacher walked in right then, i really didn't wanna fight with anyone on the first day.

                             "Good morning kids!" Said the teacher, "My name is Mr.Mann and this over here is Barney our teachers aid!", Mr.Mann said in a preppy voice. Goodness the teacher was awake, I'm just living off of that bowl of cereal that i had this morning. The teacher went over class roles and said all the things you will be doing today and through out the week. For some reason i felt really comfortable around Mr.Mann. I knew it was him because i didn't know anyone else but him, George, and that big fat purple blob. Speaking of Barney when ever he walked i swear it could wake up a nation. Mans be needing sum weight watchers. Anyways back to Mr.Mann he made me have butterflies, he made me nervous, but also happy. I couldn't wait for the rest of the year.

                               The day went by pretty quick we just did preschool things, like learn to count up to five, and learn the first part of the A,B,C's, we also had something called nap time (I think that's at all preschools). When we all went home Mr.Mann handed out these treat bags. They looked very yummy. It felt very meaningful to me even though he gave them to everyone. When my mom arrived i became a wee bit sad, because i didn't wanna leave Mr.Mann. I wished i could just live with him. That would make me so much more happier. 

                                   We arrived home quickly because my preschool gets out later than all the other ones so there was not traffic. "So how was school. did you make any new friends?" My mom said right as she drove into the driveway. "No not really." i said pretty bummed out "Although the teacher is really nice!" i said i bit more happier. Whenever i think of my teacher he makes me happier. I think I might have a crush on him. Honestly I don't think I know I have a crush on him. "Well that's good, I just think everyone was nervous today and didn't wanna talk to anyone not just you okay sweetie ." my mom said in a comforting tone, "tomorrow everyone will be talking to you, you know why? because you are amazing." Well lets get ready your grandparents invited us to a dinner at *insert fancy restaurant name here*. 

                                  My mom put me in a suit which was very uncomfortable, "Why do I have to wear this, its so uncomfortable" I complained "Please can i just wear my normal clothes." i said. "I know its uncomfortable but you know how strict your grandparents are. They like things to be more traditional." she said "so please" my mom sighed "Just do this for me. Things were not always the best with my mom and her grandparents. She would argue and fight with them all the time. I honestly felt bad for her. 

                           My grandparents never like my dad and i had a bad feeling that they were happy when he got ran over by a car on sesame street. Ah that crazy street. My mom got me in the car and ready to go. She buckled my baby seat (EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT A BABY!!). When she got into the car i could hear a loud sigh come from her. I wish there was something i could do to make her feel better. We drove through our small little town and i may or may not have pissed myself. (whoops shouldn't say that). My mom was big on swearing when i tell you this woman can come up with and subsitute for a word i am not kidding. I don't think she has ever swron in her life. By the way my mom is Elsa. When we finally got into the restaraunt 



word count: 1010

a/n Please don't bully me about how bad my grammar is lmao i promise you i have an A in both writing &  literature.

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