Chapter 2 - Starting a Decision

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That princess did what the dragon told her and when she asked for this a small flash appeared in a box and from it she took out a large jade sword, she did not know why this had come from but she kept it anyway and since it was night, went back to sleep.

The next morning he returned to the forest in the same place as always and the dragon came out of the mist and said to the princess:

- I never thought you would return from that castle, have you done what I asked you? -

And the princess replied, - Of course I did, I went to my bed and said those words to the moon, suddenly this jade sword came out (showing the sword) and I kept it until now that I bring it to show you -

- What you will do now is look for a brave man to fight against me and thus be able to kill me, whoever does it will receive what the moon has always asked from its deepest feeling, but listen to me well, you only have four days to find to the bravest person and to be able to defeat me, I will see you in four days, between those days you will not find me every time you try to look for me -

She took to her soldiers what the dragon had just told her and that they only had four days to know who would be chosen to fight him, they did not know what to do, because if they lost, they did not know what he was going to do. be of their lives and their families, on the other hand the princess was curious if she had a chance of defeating that dragon, so at night she asked the moon and she answered the following unexpectedly, since the moon does not respond to anyone through words:

- I have seen that your heart is pure and brave, maybe you do not know how to fight with your hands but what he wants is someone with a sincere heart and something innocent, if you remove your fears, surely and you can defeat him with your own hands, that is everything. what can I tell you -

She knew that if she did, she would fulfill her dream of meeting her prince in the least unexpected way but with only one goal, knowing how to love her last breath.


The princess woke up from her bed and went to get ready for breakfast, the sky was purple in the morning, since it seemed normal to her to see the sky of that color. I go down to the dining room and have breakfast, after that she sent to tell her soldiers to notify the whole town about her proposal and they did so.

End of the second chapter.

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